CAO CAO=Badawi-- VS --LIU BEI=Anwar --VS --SUN QUAN=Nik Aziz
For those other races who dunno the history of 3 kingdoms and the characters named above, I am sorry but you will have to bear with me. For chinese, please return to Mars/Ulu Place/watever u call it. The world is too dangerous.
1st Similarity
History: LIU BEI(刘备) and CAO CAO (曹操) are comrades of The Rebel Army to fight against DONG ZHUO(董卓). LIU BEI then separated with CAO CAO and created his own forces with the aim of conquering ZHONG YUAN (Mainland of China).
Now: Anwar and Badawi are both members of The BN to 'develop' Malaysia. Anwar then being sacked from BN and the 'Black-eye-incident' happened. After that, Anwar created his own political party, PKR, with the help of his wife.
2nd Similarity
History: Before LIU BEI build up his forces and has his own land, he was attacked by CAO CAO several times. As a result, LIU BEI's family and his brothers GUAN YU & ZHANG FEI had a very difficult time then.
Now: Before PKR and gang won a few states in the last general election, BN with help of the Royal Police Force had caught a few members from the opposition parties and ISAed (verb) them accordingly for some unknown(ridiculous) reasons. Famous incident: Operation Lalang.
3rd Similarity
History: After CAO CAO had conquered the northen part of the China, he then aimed the southern part of China. In order to resist CAO CAO, LIU BEI and SUN QUAN(孙权) had formed an alliance. Therefore, in year 208, the famous "Battle of Red Cliff" occurred. In this battle, CAO CAO suffer a very heavy loss.
Now: After the BN had ruled (exploited) Malaysia for half a decade, the people had suffered enough and decided that it is the time to have a change. Therefore, in year 2008, the famous "Tsunami 308" occurred. In the last general election, BN suffered a very heavy loss under the attack of the alliance of opposition party of PKR and PAS and of course the reddish DAP.
4th Similarity
History: After the battle at Red Cliff, LIU BEI's force had strengthen and was becoming greater as time went by. This made both CAO CAO and SUN QUAN very worried. Therefore, CAO CAO and SUN QUAN decided to combine forces and attacked LIU BEI together.
Now: After the Tsunami 308, PKR seems to be getting stronger with Anwar wanting to enter into parliament, the 916 prophecy and so on and so forth. This made both BN and PAS very worried. Therefore, BN and PAS has been conducting meeting and conversation lately to discuss the issue of 'Uniting Malays in Malaysia' (lame)*. But what is behind the curtain, we really don't know. Especially with Anwar of PKR now in 'deep' trouble.
*(I feel it is lame not because i am a racist or having some evil thought, it is because I feel that it is very pointless to talk about this now as we are now heading towards globalisation. So, we should stand together as the citizen of the world. Plus, the most important issue now is inflation due to economic slow down and the damn rising oil price. Come on! Grow up and stop being so shallow minded! Ok, a bit emotiional i think. haha.)
See the similarities?
This proves that Malaysia is also capable of making a movie with fantastic storyline which can be compared with John Woo's film. 'Malaysia Boleh' or not?
Of course, 'The Romance Of 3 Parties' hasn't ended yet. Therefore, sit back, relax and continue to enjoy the remaining of the movie. God knows what will happen next?
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