Monday, July 14, 2008

2 Info That I Learned Today


Today is kind of a memorable day.

Not because it is a nice number for TOTO/Magnum 4D. And of course I don't buy those.

Today, don't know for what reason, I woke up surprisingly early, like 4 a.m. in the morning. And I don't have a class today. I was thinking of going back to sleep again but then I realised since the state I am staying now has changed its government for like 4 months, I thought of giving my lifestyle a change too.

And this is not a bad idea as I finally managed to nudge Evelyn which I seldom get the chance due to the time zone difference. Lol.

We did some catch up and later on she gave me 2 pieces of info. I admit that my level of info is a bit lagging because I rarely touch newspaper recently, so some of you out there might have already known them.

1st INFO.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has decide that he is going to resign as Prime Minister in 2010, after much debate on wheter he should resign or not.

I kind of believe that it is a wise choice for him to step down before the next general election. Because he will be stepping down when BN is still exploting, err... no, I mean ruling the country. Maybe he couldn't face it if BN were to lose again like the 12th General Election. Maybe it is time for him to stay at home and spend more time with his new wife.

Therefore, I believe he sincerely wanting to step down when 2010 comes.

However, there are people who don't think so.

An example would be our beloved EX-Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. He claimed that it is a 'sweet candy' given to Dato Seri Najib for him not to challenge for the President post in the coming UMNO election, which the real situation is that Badawi has no intention to give PM post to him at all (deepest apology as Gelaran and Full Name ignored after this coz tooooo longgg).

"Gula-gula diberikan kepada Dato Seri Najib bahawa dianya juga dikehendaki bebas daripada cabaran untuk Timbalan Presiden........ Najib akan dijanji peralihan kuasa akan dibuat pada 2010. Sebelum sampai tarikh keramat ini tuduhan akan dilempar terhadapnya supaya dia ternampak tidak lagi layak untuk menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.Seorang yang dianggap lebih setia kepada Dato Seri Abdullah akan menggantinya. Pengganti tidak akan ambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri pada 2010 kerana kurang pengalaman. Dato Seri Abdullah akan bermurah hati untuk mengisi jawatan itu hingga Pilihanraya Umum ke-13."
(100% genuine copy from Mahathir Blog- Not I say 1 ok.)

Is this familiar to you?

Well, I am sure it is for Mahathir because that is a tactic which he used like free. And as a result, uduring his ruling time, there are like 3/4? DPM under him. In the end, he chose the 'loyal' Badawi as the final candidate as his successor. But it turns out that Badawi is not that 'loyal' in the end, maybe because of the cancellation of all the previous Mahathir's 'Big Project', so we can see the 'Mahathir Bomming Badawi Show' almost everyday now.

I am not a politician, and I don't really understand politic. So I don't really know the real meaning of all the tactics used by our beloved politicians. But what I know is that shouldn't politicians be those who are busy trying to set out plans to develop the country? Shouldn't the next PM be chosen in an fair election based on qualities?

I don't know. I think it is either they have too much time after attending the routine Parliment meeting or I am just too naive to see all the things behind this.

Change to 2nd INFO.
Malaysia is going to have 太监!Correct me if I am wrong, I think the English word for it is Eunuch. I swear that I could see the sinister smile on Evelyn's face when she was telling me this. The origin of this info is from our YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen. Due to the increasing rate of rape cases, she suggested that castration should be put on those who are convicted for raping. She hopes that this will serve as a warning to those potential rapers out there.

Wow! This is cool man! After such a long time, Malaysia is going to continue the tradition which China had stopped century ago after the fall of Qing Dynasty to revolution. This again proves the 'Malaysia Boleh' theory. Of course, there were much commotion and discussion about this after she had made the statement, as usual, like what Malaysian always say, 'Biasalah'.

However, castration punishment is much similar to the punishment laid under Islamic Law which PAS is hoping so much to implement it in Malaysia. It is because if I am not wrong, those who steal will be chopped off their hand if they are convicted. So I wonder whether the logic of thinking of YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen of BN is linked to PAS.

But I am still interested on who is going to execute the punishment. Maybe those executor will need to be sent for training under Dr. Ng Yen Yen. She is a doctor mah!

And oh yea, the greatest benefit of me getting up early today is that I found a Malay stall which sells RM1 meehoon in Sunway while going jogging just now. Lol. Oklah. I am just being ignorant. Because the stall is there for like long time ago.

And I managed to catch the sunrise today. So for those who threaten me 看不到明天的日出!a.k.a cannot see the sunrise tomorrow, it is just too bad. Hehe!

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