Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Story Of Mr. Alor
He is born in Malaysia and of course he is a Malaysian. And as usual, he has a typical Malaysian kind of name-- Alor.
Mr. Alor dunno why he is named like that. He just know that since he was born, everyone called him Alor. He did not like this name. Unfortunately he had no choice but to stick with it.
As Mr. Alor became older, the more he disliked his name. Everytime he went on holiday tours to other countries using "company's money", he meets with different people from different countries. The more he went outstation, the more he disliked his name.
Finally, after the 15th "holiday tour" and spending nearly RM1.5 mil, he had enough and decided that it's time to change his name.
Now, the question is, change to what name?
Mr. Alor cracked his head for days and nights. He even had a committee to help to get him a new name. It cannot be James, George, Ronaldo, Obama and stuffs like that because he had met enough of them. He wanted something special. A name that will make him feel superior over the others. A name that will make him proud of himself.
Suddenly, a movie posters caught his attention. It's "Superman Returns". It enlightened him.
Therefore, his new name would be named after VENUS a.k.a KEJORA.
What's more special and superior than having a "non-earth name"? Mr. Kejora and his committee members were very excited for this new name thingy and can't wait to share with the whole world about this.
The outcome is really unpleasant. At least for Mr. Kejora.
Everyone around him were against his decision of changing names. His boss dun like it, his friends dun appreciate it, his neighbours dun understand it, even strangers were criticising it.
He forgot that eventhough he thinks that he comes from other planet, he is still living on earth. He is still in Malaysia which has its own culture.
After facing much pressure, especially coming from his boss, Mr. Kejora had no choice but to give in and used back the name that he disliked--Alor.
In Mr. Alor's mind, he was still wondering why changing his name to Kejora was so difficult.
His final conclusion: Most probably the people in Malaysia and on Earth were just jealous about the fact that he is a superman who comes from Venus.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Reasoning Behind All The Sex Scandals
Once a upon a time, during a session in the parliament, Tunku Abdul Rahman challenged all the MPs to raise up their hand if any of them never had committed adultery before. The end result is that nobody raised up their hand then besides 1 chinese MP.
This story was told by Mr. Tun Ling, ex-president of MCA.
The moral of the story, according to Tun Ling, was that every man sitting at high position in this world has too much energy left over, thus they have to find different ways to release these "energy".
And of course, at the end of his story-telling, Tun Ling said he is not one of them.
Set aside the reliability of the content of the story, it really gives me a new perspective regarding all the famous sex scandals that happened in the long past and recently.
Politic Region
US President--J.F.Kennedy and Bill Clinton
Malaysia ex-Health Minister--Dato Chua Soi Lek
Malaysia c-4 Man-- ?????(unknown figutive)
Celebrity Region
X-Files Actor-- David Duchovny
HK Actor-- Edison Chan
Student Region?!
LimKokWing University--1 guy, 2 girls
(And the list will sure go on and on + those not surfacing yet.)
So, based on my knowledge from the incidents above and by cross-referencing with the message that Tun Ling tried to convey, I had come up with few conclusions on sex scandal.
1. Every man in this world is "naughty" naturally.
2. Every man in this world sure will commit adultery, the matter is whether it is revealed or not. 3. If the man apologize after you have done "something wrong", most likely you will be forgiven.
4. Besides wealth and high position in the society, every man in this world must equip themselves with other skills professional skills eg. photoshooting, video recording in order to capture the girl in this world.
5. Girls in this world will normally like men that are "naughty" and "bad".
And again, respected Tun Ling is not included in the list of the man in this world. He is the only pure soul in this world, not committing the "wrong thing" that every man in this world will do.
Now, I know why no girls like me already.
It is because I have no money, I am a nobody, I dunno photography, and most importantly, I am not naughty.
Shit! Like that I become like Tun Ling already.
No no. I am not refering to myself.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New Hero Of DOTE
Primary Damage: 75-90 CHAOS DAMAGE (Weapon Equiped--Incoming UMNO President)
Armor: 50 (UMNO Shield--Damage reduction 90%)
Strength: 66.1
Intelligence: 25.3
Agility: 7.4
Skill No. 1 : Self-Hypnosis.
Just last week, when most of the countries in the world like US, UK, Australia, including our best neighbour Singapore announced that they are planning to come out ways to raise fund to help to save the current market crisis, the Finance Ministry tried to hypnotize everyone that Malaysia is doing good, Malaysia got good corporate governance, Malaysia has no worries, Malaysia this, Malaysia that.... This phenomenon is called entering into "self-protection mode". Normally, this will happen alongside with selectively forgetful disease.
Description: You can enter into "Berserk" state, increase your damage by 20%, makes you think that you "BOLEH"(capable) in doing anything.
Cooldown: Unlimited Use
Rating: 7/10
Skill No. 2: Attitude-Changing (as fast as the weather and some say as women)
1 week later, out of really sudden, the Finance Ministry is coming out with a "3-course meal" menu including the RM5 Billion "borrowed" from KWSP(where all your precious EPF money are stored) to invest in the famous but very unknown and as secretive as the Mafia Organisation--- ValueCap.
Description: You can enter into "Shapeshift" state, which enable you to confuse your enemy(Malaysian People) and create illusions to the other people in the world. Not a very useful skill in combat, but good in escaping from being held responsible.
Cooldown: 7 days
Rating: 5/10
Skill No. 3: To "Kill The Enemy" Without Using Your Own Sword
Want to rescue the economy crisis? No need to use the money from very profitable "private-owned" company Petronas. Just use other people's money, like the taxpayer's money. The benefit of this tactic: No risk, High Return. Loss covered by you, Profit go into my own pocket.
Because in the end, who knows what does the so-called "loan" contract by KWSP consist of? No repayment period, no interest rate, no securities, no nothing. Besides, even there is such thing in the contract, there is still 1 beautiful thing called "substance over form". This tactic is of the highest standard, highly recommended for Malaysia purpose, and track record has proven no failure.
Description: Grant you "Vampiric Aura" and Money-Drain. Approx. RM500 mil sucked per investment made. A very useful skill if you want to "FARM". Farming is important if you wanna buy good and nice equipment in the latter stage of the game eg. the Klang Palace.
Cooldown: When There Is Government Investment
Rating: 8/10
Skill No. 4: High Efficient
This ULTIMATE SKILL is granted by the Malaysia Godlike Party a.k.a UMNO which has absolute power over all Malaysian. When US needs to go through endless debate to approve the US$700 Billion fund of the poor to save the rich, Malaysia just need 1 man to get the job done. Malaysia environment is zone of no-debate. Parliament is just a place for tourists and students for visiting purpose.
Description: You will enter into an AVATAR state. Immune to all magical spells like people's voice(ISA); invulnerable from normal attacks like the law and constitution, equip you with Divine Rapier+250 damage which ensure that all your self-decided policies implemented as fast as rocket.
Cooldown: Unlimited Use
Rating 10/10
With the creation of this new hero, I believe DOTE will be as interesting as usual. If you like to see money being burnt.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
十月, 多雨之秋, 也是多事之秋.
我的身边发生了很多事, 政治上的变动, 经济上的窘境, 通膨的压力, 以及其他的绿豆芝麻的事. 我不说, 你应该也知道吧!
你曾说过, 政治是肮脏的, 所以这篇东西我不会牵扯到肮脏的东西, 哈哈.
前几天刚会马六甲跟我爸庆祝生日, 然后去了未来大嫂的家乡一趟. 所以这几天都在奔波中, 有点累. 想一想12月的考试, 还真的有点担心.
P2, P3, 还有天杀的F5!真希望能够在明年六月毕业, 你会保佑我的吧!
一千五百多个日子, 原来真么快就过去了. 这些日子, 我以为我已经适应没有你的日子.
我以为我喜欢上其他人, 才发觉原来她的背影与你很相似.
我以为, 寂寞它有什么大不了?
但是, 这四年来, 才发现, 却真是寂寞它考倒了我.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
nal geuman ijeohyo
Watched "A Moment To Remember" again after like 3 years.
I thought I have forgotten the plot, just like I thought I have forgotten a lot of other things and feelings, but actually I didn't.
I thought that my mood wouldn't be affected by a korean production, but I just couldn't control the pH level of my nose from dropping below 6.
I thought that I am strong enough to face anything in life, only to realise that all this while I am just ignoring it, keeping it aside. No matter how well I hide it, it will just pop up once in a while, just to remind me of their existence.
"Please Forget Me Now."
But do you know that? There is no eraser in my memory.
And you know this post is not for you because it's written in English! So I am not thinking of you now.
October, please go away.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Waiting For Godot
My friend recommended me to check it out so I did.
The play is very simple. 2 men were waiting for someone called "Godot", someone whom 2 of them have no idea how Godot looked like. They just waited and waited and until the whole play finished, that 2 men still waiting for Godot. They did not know why they had to wait for this Godot, they only know they have to wait; they can't do anything else besides waiting.
What kinda nonsense is this? That's my reaction after I finished reading the play.
But then I realised, how irony is this play. Yeah, we human always have to waste our time in waiting; always set some targets while waiting for the results in order to determine how much we are worth of.
Most of the people would think that this play is nonsense too. They thought, where got such idiots? They would never be like that, waiting for dunno what they are waiting.
But, those are the people who will wait and chase for something in life, keep on waiting and keep on chasing.
When you ask them why they need to wait and chase for that something?
"I also dunno why, but I just feel the need to wait and chase for it." will probably be their answer.
In Malaysia, there are these bunch of people are waiting for an annoucement currently. An announcement by that top guy of Malaysia eventhough they dunno what he is gonna announced.
In US, there are also these bunch of people who are always waiting for miracle to happen, to bail them out the current shitty situation, just like in 1992. No wonder heroic action-packed movie like spiderman, superman, batman etc... can sell very well in US.
In Thailand, everyone is also waiting. But nobody know what are they waiting for. 2 prime ministers were down now. Who is the third one? True, nobody knows.
It seems that everyone in the world is waiting for Godot. So, does it mean that everyone of us is a fool?
Friday, October 3, 2008
词: 梁心颐
曲: 张杰
主唱: 梁心颐
下雨天了怎么办 我好想你
不敢打给你 我找不到原因
为什么失眠的声音 变得好熟悉
沉默的场景 做你的代替 陪我听雨滴
谁和我一样 等不到他的谁
爱上你我总在学会 寂寞的滋味
一个人撑伞 一个人擦泪 一个人好累
怎样的雨 怎样的夜 怎样的我能让你更想念
雨要多大 天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴
其实 没有我你分不清哪些差别 结局还能有多明显
别说你会难过 别说你想改变
谁和我一样 等不到他的谁
爱上你我总在学会 寂寞的滋味
一个人撑伞 一个人擦泪 一个人好累
怎样的雨 怎样的夜 怎样的我能让你更想念
雨要多大 天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴
其实 没有我你分不清哪些差别 结局还能有多明显
别说你会难过 别说你想改变
就用这首歌来纪念这一天吧! 你应该会喜欢的.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End Of September--Time to Wake Up
So I think it's time to wake up.
Yes, Mr. Marcus, you have done a great job in terrorising me for setting a world-class standard paper. You deserve a big clap from me. I am going to see red already.
And yes Arsenal, don't deny that you are shit, a piece of shit. Big cannon can't fight with tiger. Now only I realised that. Oh dear!
Yeah, I know I am not good in making decision on which team to bet on. They say you need to have a good far-sight when it comes to decision making. True, not only in betting football team, but also in investing.
Subject: Singapore F1 (Another night event after the famous night-safari)
By just investing merely 40 mil for the pit-stop, Singapore Night F1 is generating an annually revenue of 100 million. And as usual, Malaysia will have to spend more in doing the same thing, in order to show their superiority: 286mil to built the Sepang circuit+monthly maintanance cost+few yearly renovation costs.
Well, eventhough NFS:Underground 1&2 came out few years ago, why Malaysia never thought of having street F1 race? Erm....maybe 10 years ago, there is no needforspeed that's why.
In P3, we have learnt about this theory called LATE MOVER ADVANTAGE by Christopher Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal). I think it applies here fit and well.
Subject: The Acquasition of Indonesia International Bank
Maybank wants to invest in other country too after it has seen and envied enough of the stories of successful investments by Temasek Holdings. So it thought the recent US crisis was a good chance and went on to propose to throw RM4.8 billion for 55.5% shares of the Indon-Bank in March, and subsequetly the FairValue of consideration paid will go up to RM8.7billion for 100% acquisition.
Then, BankNegara realised that it is double of the market price. In order to protect Maybank, they disallow the acquisition proposal, by forfeiting the RM570 million up-front payment. The purpose of this is to save Maybank from losing about RM4.3billion after the whole acquisition.
I wonder whether the Maybank management got study P3 Business Analysis or not. Or maybe they think they have too much tax-payer money to waste after all. But I wish that Maybank will throw the RM570 million into the sea rather than donating to Temasek & Korean Bank, at least
you throw into the sea you can hear the sound mah. I feel that's better.
Subject: MV Agusta
I never expect Malaysia got talents of Warren Buffett in term of restructuring the business, but I really don't think it's that bad.
Proton bought Italiano-MV Agusta for €7omilion. Then sold it away for just €1! Total lost=RM800million. Proton's Believe It Or Not! The most unbelievable thing is that Harley Davidson wholly acquired MV Agusta for US$190million in July 2008. This is more mysterious than any of the X-Files of FBI.
Therefore, I believe it's time for us to WAKE UP! after September ends. For the Management of Malaysia, it's time to wake up and stop all the "Value-Destroying Activities" and stop giving out golden boots. For myself, it's time to wake up and start getting serious because ACCA Monster is going to haunt me in December!
Oh yea, before I forget, to all the Muslims, Happy Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. People always think that I am a racist. But you all are wrong!
I wonder, is there anyone going for Pak Lah's Hari Raya open house tomorrow?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Should I go for Part-Time slot??
Anyway.... Good luck RPK. Wish you all the best in Kamunting Hotel. We will always respect your spirit as a fighter. Sad to say, Malaysia is just not the place for all these freedom kind of thing....
Monday, September 22, 2008
HolyShit(a.k.a beyond godlike)!!!
Everything that happens gave me this fearful feeling.
P2 progress test lifeline is 35, with a P3 which remains totally unknown to me. And they are going to haunt me for this week.
The 1997 nightmare occurs again. The difference is that the US were not affected then but now they are the creator of this chaos which is affecting the whole world. Many bigshots including the Lehman Brothers, ManUtd sponsors AIG are down. Thanks to the economy policy of US of encouraging investors to play with fire.
And the finance minister post was swapped at this moment. And of course, we don't really care about the reason behind it. We only care about what measures is the new finance minister gonna take to rescue us.
Stepping-down Bush's govt got US$70bil to rescue their economy but I wonder what does Malaysian govt got after buying war equipment+astronaut(a.k.a canornaut), useless bank, plus building so many state-of-art white elephant etc.
Nope. The petrol price is not gonna be reduced. 15 sen decrease again? Wait for another by-election.
Don't try to talk so much. So what if you are a MP? You may express your opinion or exercise whatever rights that you have but always bear in mind that the ISA used to counter the communists is still applicable now. Nevertheless, many people want to abolish it, including the Bar Council(since 20 years ago) and some politicians(after scared by the 308 election).
Be careful of the people around you. Especially those close to you. You dunno when they will force you to give up your post or whatever you have if you cannot satisfy their needs. Accept it, in this world, nobody is your enemy forever, neither is anyone your friend forever, at least in Malaysia.
Anti-Corruption Agency is trying to be the next HongKong's ICAC. They want to be independent, at last. But ICAC in Hokkien means "want you to die can make you die" and thinking of how the culture was (or still is??) like in the past, I am veryy scared.....
And today I bought 2 packets of instant noodles for RM2!!!! Unbelievable...... And thus I am further kena scared the crap out of me. Haha....
But the worst is still p2 and p3 la..... Nothing is more horrible than them...... Monstrous!!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Nothing Happen As Yet
Everyone is anticipating something. Well, I believe it is not gonna happened anyway, at least not for now. Maybe end of year, maybe the following year, or probably the next 5 years. However, most likely, it will never gonna happen.
I believe this is due to resistant to changes and fear of the unknown tomorrow. Most of us is feared to take risk or should I say too complacent. We are too used to follow the routine procedures, just like how we are so used to Microsoft like that, eventhough it is so vulnerable towards virus and hackers, we still dun feel like using Mac.
Ok la, you can say Mac not that user-friendly la, not so easily available la, not cheap la, not compatible with alot of software la and 1000 million etc; just like how the politicians (u noe i dun mean the opposition rite?) will crack their brain to evaluate the pros(chance to pocket more tax-payer money+high post in the party) and cons(chance of not getting any shit+maybe a Chinese PM) if there is a total change over.
Even the normal citizen will also think twice before they choose to believe the opposition. God knows whether they belong€ to a more deathly cannibals or not, due to lack of past track records.
They call this the "Organisation Paradigm". If you know this, then you will know the Onion Cultures by Schein with Bowman la. They together with some other very smart people( I presumed) generated more theories and models than whatever u can think of. And bloody hell I need to digest and make use of them for the coming Dec exam.
We are always in a dilemma. We always want to change for better, but we are scared of the outcome of the change. I mean drastic change or what they say the BIG BANG change. Then u will always face the barriers and lotsa oppostion voices. No wonder everyone would prefer the boiling frog way, ie. by the time you know it, you are dead.
So, it is normal that nothing is gonna happen today. What has happened is that Mr. Zaid, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, resigned. Not because he was unhappy of not getting the opportunity to go for the Taiwan trip, but because of his current stand in opposing the Internal Security Act and of course the infectious 'pre-Umno-election symptoms' which sufferred by his fellow comrades.
I am not good in analysis, as I had failed in my recent P3 tests very badly, but I still think running away is not a good solution. A responsible minister equiped with conscience and dedication is already a scarce resource. He should be more persevere and break his way through in fighting for the rights and benefits of all Malaysian. But, well, the choice is in his hands anyway as we all know, he is too inferior compared to the giant that he is facing.
Today is a peaceful day I must say, although some people in the Kamunting Hotel cannot see how blue is the sky today.
Tomorrow is a public holiday, and the shitty thing is that I have class tomolo.
"You have no life!" repeatedly reminder from Ms. Menon.
Oh, how true is that!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
怎么样?八月十五的月亮我都给你弄来了,厉害吧!你摸摸看,是不是比较圆一点呢?至于玉兔嘛...... 其实我很想问你,你说你见过它是骗我的吧!都怎么多年了,你就忍心一直骗我下去?算了算了,不与你计较,都说了好男跟女什么都斗得,就是不能斗嘴. 我老早就知道了啦.
你最近过得还好吗?这问题废是废点,但是却是真心的. 我保证, 嘿嘿.
你吃饭时还会老掉筷子吗?说真的,这么大一个人了,怎么就连筷子都握不好呢?还每次都使唤我去帮你捡起来换过另一双. 现在我不在你身边,换筷子这事要亲力亲为了吧!
喔,对了,怡君前几天来过我这儿,说是要提早与我庆祝中秋节. 你别以为我是想和你备案啊,她也只是刚刚从欧洲旅行回台北时顺道来看我吧了,不过她还算有心,带了几盒月饼. 不过几年前你离开后,我也很少吃月饼了. 丫的现在的月饼也太贵了吧!而且不知道为什么,可能是习惯问题,你不在后,没有人与我抢蛋黄,吃月饼也就没有什么了趣,进而味道也没那么好了. 最重要的原因是我不知道你在那儿吃不吃到月饼,如果我吃到而你只能干瞪眼,对你未免太残忍了吧!所以我让怡君那几盒都带走,只留下一个来应景.
看到她提着大包小包的回台北,心里有些不忍. 你说我是不是做得有点绝了?不过我想你应该去开导开导她,台湾好而帅的男人多的是,她不应该怎么浪费的,是吧?嗯,台湾那儿有台风,希望对她的课不会有太大影响.
哎,忘了跟你说,我哥今年底就要结婚了.那可是咱家的第一个婚礼,那时候可热闹了. 可惜却是在我ACCA考试的前一天,真郁闷!不过没关系,愉快地心情没被影响到. 安啦,我会把你的祝福告诉我哥的. 你心爱的宴会专用黑色连身裙还在我家,我想如果你能穿上它出席的话,应该会惊艳全场吧!不过不要抢了我大嫂的风头!哈哈,凭我刚所说的,你是不是应该给个奖励呢?
说着说着,没有你的第三个中秋节就快过去了. 时间过得真他妈的快. 你也真放心我,就这么的走了,难道你就不怕我变心?不过,一个人还真的很难挨. 而且,我还真的有点想念你.
Friday, September 12, 2008
She Will Never Know
1. She will never know why He has to learn to be sturdy.
It is because he knows himself very well that although he may appear to be strong, his heart is very fragile; and he always wants her to feel that he is always the best.
2. She will never know why He doesn't drop his tears so easily.
It is because he knows himself very well that when his tears drop, it indicates the end of the relationship.
3. She will never know why He likes to smoke when he is fretful.
It is because he knows very well only by doing that he can recall those wonderful moments of theirs in order to make him feel rejuvenated.
4. She will never know why He will lose his mind whenever He heard that She is being treated badly.
It is because he knows very well that eventhough he will definitely lose in the fight, he will still feel very happy because he would rather being injured himself than seeing her crying.
5. She will never know why He is always drunk at night.
It is because he knows very well that if he doesn't anaesthetize himself, he will end up thinking of her the whole night.
6. She will never know why He is so generous whenever they hang out together.
It is because he knows very well that he would rather be frugal himself than seeing her being looked down by other people.
7. She will never know why He would always lose his temper.
It is because he knows very well it is not that he doesn't love her, it is just that he hopes that she would not be cheated by others whenever she is alone.
8. She will never know why He would care about her ex-boyfriend so much.
It is because he knows very well that it is not that he doesn't have confident in himself, it is just that he is afraid that she will leave him one day.
9. She will never know why He would be so patient to listen to her when He found out that She mentioned about another guy in her diary.
It is because he knows very well that it is not that he doesn't want to blow up, it is just that he wants to know from her who is more important towards her.
10. She will never know why He never say "I Love You" to her.
It is because he knows very well that it is not that he doesn't want to say it, it is just that he realises that a million times of that phrase is just not enough to use on her.
She will never know.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wake Me Up When September Ends
Whenever September comes, it always reminds me of this song by GREENDAY.
And this MV will always touches my heart no matter how many times I have watched it.
Not because of Rachel Wood, but because of these few lines in the beginning of the MV:
"You know they say life is short. They say you wake up one day, and on that day, all your dreams, everything you wish for, gone just like that. People get old and all things change and situations are changing, but I want is just I want this moment right now this day. My feelings for you, the way you look right now when I look at you."
Life is so full of uncertainties, doesn't it?
Wake me up, when September ends.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Apology--A Scarce and Useless Resources
"If apologize can settle any matter, what for we need police?"
Well, in Malaysia, not only apologize is useless, even the police is just a nice piece of ornament. Worse still, someone is so stingy that you need to cross over his dead body if you wanna hear "sorry" coming out from his stubborn mouth.
Yes, he is one of the so-called "Malay's Hero", Bukit Bendera Umno Chief-- Ahmad Ismail.
As all of you might have seen or heard of his marvelous act during the Permatang Pauh by-election recently, I think I wouldn't have to repeat what racist remarks he had made. But I have to admit that he is really a hero.
Just think about it, who the hell in Malaysia can has this ability to make the top 2 leaders of Malaysia to help him to wipe his ass after he has done his business? This time, Ahmad Ismail has really made his family very proud.
In his 51st National Day Message, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi urged every Malaysian to give importance to solidarity, as “it is the cornerstone of the country’s political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness”.
Ahmad Ismail immediate response is to demand Badawi not to compromise Malay's rights (Ketuanan Melayu) to please other races in Malaysia.
Very Nice! Very Brave!
Even our ex-PM who suppose to enjoy his retirement also jumped out and supported him by stating "why non-Malay doesn't need to apologize?" Well, this time, Mr. Mahathir is not that forgetful anymore like in Lingam's case and has recalled some of the incidents to prove himself.
"Why Wee Meng Chee doesn't apologize?" (Wee Meng Chee is the creator of "Negarakuku")
"Why Hindraf doesn't apologize?"
"Why only Ahamd Ismail needs to apologize?"
"Why only Malays need to apologize?"
Whoa! Ahmad Ismail is really damn 'powderful'! Even Mahathir is backing his ass now.
I really wonder what is inside Mahathir's brain now. What is he thinking about? Nobody would believe such low-class+childish phrase would come out from his mouth, a person who was once a prime minister, a leader.
I would like to remind Mr. Mahathir of his selective forgetful disease if he has not forgotten these:
1. Wee Meng Chee nearly couldn't return to his country because of the song mentioned above which doesn't even touched the sensitive racist issue. And if you didn't forget, not only Meng Chee, but his father too has apologized due to the pressure by 'Heroes'.
2. Hindraf's Memorandum is just against the current government and certain political party, not the races; they had paid the price by eating curry rice now in Kamunting Hotel now. What somemore do you want them to do?
3. Apologize is not a racist issue, it is an attitude of admitting your own fault. It's an attitude practiced by everyone in this world. Therefore, there shouldn't be any double-standard that only Malays or non-Malays should apologize.
Mahathir is really old. Therefore, he can be blurred and forgetful. He can also forget that ten years ago, if not because of the votes of the non-Malays, the BN governmen had already lost its 2/3 majority in the 1999 General Election. He must have forgotten that he could still be the Prime Minister then is because of the support of the non-Malay, especially the Chinese.
Thank God that he is no longer the Prime Minister but an old man now.
I know the coming Umno Election is very important to brats like Ahmad Ismail and gangs, but I think they should know that racist issues is no longer the fire which they all can play and use to gain votes to substantiate thier position in Umno. The voters in Permatang Pauh had already voiced out that racist issues just couldn't work nowadays.
Maybe it's time for everyone, regardless of race to work hand-in-hand not to make Malaysia a hopeless country.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Want A Honda
The current HONDA CITY is not ugly, but not appealing enough for me.
But this new HONDA CITY really attracts me. It looks like it is a combination of Civic and FCX.
I have always been a supporter for HONDA cars since I first saw EG-6 in comic INITIAL-D although my family drives TOYOTA. Even the MAZDA's rotary engine couldn't impress me as much as HONDA does.
I will be eyeing on this HONDA CITY from now on. BMW is next. HAHAHA. I know I know. It's a huge jump. But, it's okay 1.
Really hope that the stupid Malaysia policy of overly-protecting Proton could be abolished so that there is more chance for me to lay my hands on this CITY.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Condolences To Freedom Of Speech
Nevertheless, there is this article posted in Malaysia-Today previously which I like a lot, entitled "What I really care about?"
Below is the exact original copy from It's a bit long though but meaningful, at least to me. Just hope that I will not be blocked or ISAed too for sharing this.
What I Really Care About
Posted by St Low
Thursday, 28 August 2008 19:53
I don't care whether your Swiss bank account has billions and billions of dollars, legally or illegally; as long as my wallet is full, and I have enough to still survive till the end of the month.
However, if your Swiss bank account is full, and as a result, you deprive the right of my wallet to be full, then that is a problem. When I have to cut down on trips to Bukit Bintang at the end of the month, when I opt for a Kancil instead of a Benz, when I feel an urge to eat fried chicken but have to eat goreng pisang, then that is a problem. And since my wallet is not full, and still far from full, and keeps decreasing, and your Swiss bank account is still exponentially increasing, I want to question why. If I don't even get a right to question why, then I will be angry, and really angry and will try all means to stop your Swiss bank account from continually increasing.
The Singapore ministers have the highest paychecks in the world. However, since they are sharing the country's success with the people, and everyone's wallet is full till the end of the month, the people are therefore happy to always re-elect these ministers with landslide wins.
So, hopefully one day you will understand that I really don't care about your Swiss bank account, and I only care about my own wallet as long as it's full.
I don't care whether you stripped off the natural resources - our god-given natural oil reserves before your ancestors and my ancestors landed in this beloved land; as long as the stripped-off natural resources are put to good use to improve the country and infrastructure, and I can enjoy a leiurely walk along the developed city without being highly taxed.
I do envy the low tax (or no tax?) in Brunei and some middle-East countries, yet enjoy superb infrastructure. Their future descendants may find their god-given natural resources exhausted but at least they get to enjoy the fruits from their ancestors using the natural resources to trade for better infrastructure and development of the country.
However, if you stripped off the natural resources, and I still don't get to see a developed city, and still get highly taxed, then that is a problem. I will worry about my future generations when the country has run out of these resources. How are they going to survive with the lousy infrastructure our country is leaving behind? In the meantime, when I see your big multi-million-dollar fully-developed mansion near Klang as a result of stripping off natural resources which belong to the countrymen, I am really angry. And I will try all means to stop you from building multi-million-dollar mansions for your own leisure.
Hope that one day you will understand that I really don't care about your act of stripping off our natural resources, and I only care about how you spend it wisely for development.
I don't care whether you drive a Mercs or a Proton, and I don't care whether the maintenance bill is skyrocketing for your state-issued cars. I only care about my own car and my own maintenance cost.
However, when you issued APs to some fat-fat cronies, the import of good quality cars became too expensive. So, when I have to either get a bad quality car with high maintenance, or a good imported car with low maintenance but further fattening the fat cronies, I am angry. Don't cry if your AP is taken away from you because the AP shouldn't belong to you in the first place. Don't be so happy if you are a good friend of the son-in-law of the AP's issuer, and get tonnes of Toyota Prius APs, because sooner or later you will lose everything and even cost your friend's father-in-law his job as well.
Hope that one day you will understand that I really don't care about your car, as long as I have a good quality and affordable car.
I don't care whether you have dozens of bodyguards around you, and even enough to despatch some for the C4 act; as long as I don't get robbed even inside my highly secured terrace.
However, I remember that thievery was rare when I was young, not to mention robberies. Furthermore, the distinction between the robbers and the police is becoming grayer. When you import so many underqualified 'expats' from overseas, and when losing their jobs turn to robbery, I am really angry. I was even angrier when you have enough bodyguards to despatch some for the C4 act yet I am feeling so insecure under broad daylight. When I cry for help after a robbery, the help will come much later after all the robbers have cleared the scene.
I don't know what to say about the judiciary, police, and our guardians. Isn't it stated in the constitution (and any pea-sized brain homo-sapien should know) that the judiciary and the executive should be separated? And yet, someone with a Maha-brain mixed-up the judiciary with the government to make it inseparable.
Hope that one day you will understand that security and justice is a basic need in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, not only for you, but for me as well.
I don't care whether you control the media or not, as long as I still get to read Malaysia Today and Malaysiakini on the web.
Just like when you misinterpreted Karpal's message on 25 August, and issued an apology later on 26 August evening, but damage had already been done. Some innocent kampung people that were susceptible to your media and your words must be greatly regretting now. Luckily, it was not damaging enough. And don't forget that they will remember this day and the consequences will come in the future, against you.
Hope that one day you will understand the media is to spread unity and love, not to spread your own hatred and insincerity.
I don't care whether you open Mara to other races as well; as long as my future generations still get to enjoy good education, and as long as the top universities at least still earn some slight respect from the international communities. Do you remember that University of Malaya was once ranked highly, in medicine and other courses? Do you remember when it was still in the list of ranked international universities? Can you do me a favor - try surfing the UM's website to check how many of their professors have internationally-referred journals; how many of them still have international standings. And where is its ranking now, can you tell me? Do you think I care whether my future generations can get a place in Mara? If UM is not recognized in the world, why would I mention Mara? Oppsss..., no problem as all your sons are studying overseas in Oxford or Cambridge, with taxpayer monies.
Hope that one day you will understand there is no point in competing among the races on scarce education resources as we have the whole world stage to compete on in terms of science, technology and arts; and I hope my descendants can compete on a world stage as a result of your education system.
I don't care whether you issue contracts to your cronies or not; as long as it is issued fairly. And if I lost the contract, I would be able to take it as it was due to my lack of competitiveness. But before I can bid for a contract and at least guarantee my bread-and-butter, someone is writing some tolong letter to you. And you bypass all the fair and just systems to deliver the contract to this Apa-Nama-Out-of-the-Country's pocket, at a highly marked up price and the deliverables are highly susceptible to failure. As a result, we have to pay high toll fees for never-ending years and getting electricity as costly as diamonds, and a parliament house that is always flooded.
Hope that one day you will understand the value of fairness; win is a win, lose is a lose. Not by connections, but by competitiveness.
I don't care about your racist remarks and keris-flying acts as long as I can still maintain the friendship of my Malay, Chinese and Indian friends. But when I am getting less and less friends of other races, I am really angry. Each of the races has different strengths and weaknesses. To propel the nation forward, we cannot afford to lose out the contributions of anyone. And yet you make me so lonely that I don't have friends from other ethnic groups. That really frustrates me. When I want to find a sincere and trustworthy manager for my field, my Malay friends ignore me; when I want to do some high-end design and scientific research, my Chinese friends are all overseas; when I want to get my Indian friends to defend myself from a lawsuit, they are nowhere to be found but busy defending tonnes of sedition lawsuits.
Hope that one day you will understand that we have the best combinations of human resources in the world, and yet you don't treasure it to the extent of threatening it with keris-flying. I only care whether my descendants can still make friends with Malays, Chinese and Indians.
And I really don't care who becomes my boss, whether 16 September will get realized or not, as long as my boss cares for what I care for. And if you really care, then you will be my boss forever, whoever you are.
Reproduce from (
Friday, August 22, 2008
"One Kampung, One Very Own Dream"
Some of the residents in this 'kampung' are very protective towards this settlement that they live in. They feel very comfortable living here.
There is no competition, no challenge; there is no failure, and of course there is no success.
They live a simple live, do some assembly work(proton), eat some mee goreng, drink some coffee using 'duit kopi'. Everything is so wonderful here.
Therefore, they are wary about those 'outsiders' who try to enter their 'kampung' and disrupt their harmony life.
So, very often, you will see a signboard sticking outside the 'kampung' which sounds like this: "NO ENTRY--AUTHORISED KAMPUNG-IST ONLY".
All the 'kampung' people always think that they are the special one which nobody else can surpass them. They are always the best, the champion and always 'Boleh!'. Whatever happening outside the 'kampung', they don't know and wouldn't care to know.
This 'kampung' also has 1 very unique university. This university only has students from this 'kampung' (kampungist) only since very long time ago.
But if you try something funny by suggesting that the university opens up to accept other types of students, even only 10%, you will get into very deep trouble.
You will be called 'The Traitor'; then you will see the 'kampungist' having demonstration against your suggestion; after that there will be some 'kampung' heroes(YB) trying very hard to use the kampung law to put you in jail.
No matter how influential you are in this world, you still couldn't enter into the 'Kampung'. Not even the famous Avril who just wants to entertain them while earning a living. Worst still, she is ridiculously labelled as "Too Sexy".
What does "too sexy" trying to portray? Maybe they are trying to tell the outside world to be careful of 'kampungist' because they use thier lower part of the body to think.
The 2008 Olympics Games slogan sounds like this: "One World, One Dream".
While all the YB pulling the very rare kampung-born Olympics silver medalist all around for the coming election, I wonder whether the Olympics slogan hits the 'kampungist' head or not.
What I do know is that the neighour of 'Kampung', the Lion City is realising the slogan really well. Mr. Lee of Lion City said that due to the fierce competition, Lion City no longer depends on its own citizens to develop. As long as you have talents, the Lion City will welcome you warmly. Mr. Lee also comforted the citizens of Lion City not to worry about the incoming outsiders because they need them in all aspects.
Lion City is really good in attracting talents.
I don't know how the 'kampungist' feel when they hear this. For me, it's like giving them a big slap on the face. Maybe next time when they try to question the loyalty of those who left the 'Kampung' for the better, they would have to think twice.
The 'Kampung' is going to celebrate its 51st Birthday in the coming week. Let us just wish that the 'Kampungist' will try very hard to move away from the slogan "One Kampung, One Very Own Dream".
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thank You and Goodbye
Not really anticipating it, and there were not much surprise.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Geoff Cordwell for his kindness of letting me stay under him for 1 more bloody semester.
And A VERY SAD GOODBYE to Mr. Alan Lewin as well as Mr. Antony Head due to our separation. May we meet each other again in Heaven if both of you and I could manage to reach there.
Anyway, congrats to all that did well!

Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Month Of August
These few days, there are few incidents which will made August a happening month.
1. Olympics!
Yesterday was the start of this sports carnival. I managed to catch a glimpse of the opening ceremony thru the Astro provided in 'Rock Cafe', but not patient enough to wait until Malaysia to come out. Checked the scoreboard just now and China is leading with 2 golds. Well, I have strong belief that China could emerge as champion due to host advantage. Besides, if this sports carnival come out to be a successful one, it surely will raise China's reputation. Western forces will not be the only 1 influence the world. US and gangs will have to come up with more ideas to put a curb on it. China's stock market maybe their next target.
2. Resign of Wan Azizah as MP of Permatang Pauh!
Everyone know Anwar needs to enter the parliment to carry out his 'Sept 16' plan. So, Wan Azizah resigned to give way to her husband for the “New Dawn for Malaysia”. Permatang Pauh has been a fortress for Anwar since 1980s. Well, I admire Azizah's courage and her bravery because no matter how you see it, it is still a gamble for letting go a post which is already in hand for re-election, eventhough this is a low risk gamble. Indeed, it needs much courage and confidence. Because nobody can be sure what will happen next. Nevertheless, I believe all Malaysian will remember her as the first female leader of the opposition party in parliment. Wan Azizah, a politician arised after 'Reformasi', her perserverance will always stay in our heart.
3. Anwar was charged!
To charge, or not to charge, that is the question. Well, the question was solved now, after much hoo-haa, real and fake medical report, and disappearing act, as usual. And they managed to solve on time, which is way before the nomination and re-election. But the way they solved the question is a bit, err... funny I would say. Surprisingly, Anwar was charged under 377B, and not 377C which being claimed previously. And this wave of attack gives a big headache to the lawyer on Anwar's side. Hahaha. What does it mean? From my level of knowlegde, I only know that it means Anwar and his partner both like 'sotongmee', and they eat 'sotongmee' together, willingly. Yeah, I mean willingly. Funny right? It's like you kena sued for 'visiting' your friends in Chow Kit or Geylang. So, beware!!!! You dunno when your 'friend' will suddenly sue you!
4. Forum on conversion to Islam
"I maybe disagree with what you said, but I respect your right to speak up."
I forget who mention this phrase before, but this is definitely not true in malaysia. About 200 protesters demonstrating against the Bar Council's forum on "Conversion to Islam" on Saturday morning in Kuala Lumpur. This created another big hoo-haa with some petrol bomb. Surprisingly, our 'brave' and 'dedicated' police are not capable to withstand these protesters or chase them away as what they usually did previously, eg in Cheras. As a result, the forum was ended early at 10 a.m.
I seriously dunno what they are angry of, or should I say, what are they afraid of? In the end, it is just a forum. I don't believe any religion is that weak until it will be threatened by a small forum, which comprised of representatives from different religion (including Islam) of different views. And the thing is those protesters don't even really know what is going to be discussed in the forum! Where are the mutual understand and communication much needed by a multi-racial country? Or they think the only way to communicate is through brutal force?
August, an interesting month!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Looking Back
Because of that, I always hope that I have a time machine, for me to travel back to the past.
To find back those memories; To make up for all the regrets; Or just to find a harbour of refuge.
Seems very impossible? Nah, I have a strong belief in the scientists that we have in this world. At least, currently, we got this thing called 'photograph' which can be used as a tool to store precious moments.
Personally, I prefer to just keep these memories in my mind rather than just relying on photos which is perishable. But then I realised that my memory is not that good as I thought. Besides things that I trying hard to forget, I am losing quite a lot of others too.
Especially those IAS that I precious very much now.
But thanks to Wei Han, those photos that he uploaded on Facebook are much useful to me.

My very noob face 5 years ago...

my noob face 4 years ago...
The VS anthem, The VS cheers, Kluang-didas, Mr. Maran, Mr. Chia, Mr. Oh....
Interact Club, Touch, Community Service in Bandipur....
Camping in VH comp lab, checking out on opposite block, bridge whole day+night, the famous 1-Minuto....
All these are coming back to me now.
And most importantly, the VS SPIRIT that I thought I have lost it quite a while ago.
Well, it is not a bad thing to look behind occasionally.
As for now, I am feeling rejuvenated, again.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mercedes-Benz E200 vs Proton Perdana V6
How do I know?
16 Proton Perdana V6 maintenance fees for 4 years is approximately RM1.17 mil
1 Proton Perdana V6 maintenance fees for 4 years = RM 73458
Thus, 1 Proton Perdana V6 maintenance fees for 1 year = RM18365
The above estimates come from the Terengganu State Government.
Therefore, it seems that we shouldn't blame the Terengganu State Government for spending RM3.43mil for 14 E200 Mercedes-Benz.
It is not because they have too much money from the petroleum tax until they dunno how to spend it.
It is also not because Proton Perdana is not classy enough for them to show off their superiority.
It is because Mercedes-Benz being an export car is SAFER, BETTER FUEL & MAINTANENANCE SAVING AND BETTER QUALITY than Proton Perdana V6.
So, when we are paying RM0.78 more for petrol, we are actually contributing to the "Protect The Safety of Government Officials Funds".
Well, everyone, including 3 year-old-kid, know that Mercedes is better than Perdana.
What we dunno is that whether Perdana is as bad as being claimed by the Terengganu Government Officials.
If that is the case, I would be worried of all the users of Proton in Malaysia, including few of my friends for driving such a low quality and unsafe national cars. Even Perdana V6, the most superior product of Proton, is so problematic, what more can we expect from the other products of Proton? How demoralizing is it for most of the Malaysian who are driving Proton cars currently?
Well, as a Malaysian, we always have the 'Don't Always Believe What The Government Said' policy. This is because Government always treat the people as if we are a 'dumb-dumb', or they really think that we are dumb enough to believe all their nonsense.
Yearly maintenance of RM18365 for a car? What bullshit is this!
You think you are repairing a spaceship meh?
They must have thought that we forgot about the 'amazing' 5 Year Warranty provided by Proton for every Proton cars.
Maybe they want to announce to the world that 'Malaysia Boleh' in creating Guiness Record of "The Most Expensive Maintenance Fee" for car category.
Now, we are waiting for the special committee of Anti-Corruption Agency to investigate this matter and see what kind of report we can get from this committee.
As for me, I am extremely interested in how the accountants prepares the Financial Statement of Terengganu. On what basis did they use to charge depreciation and maintenance expense for non-current asset? It will help me to understand the concept of 'creative accounting' better.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Romance Of 3 Parties

CAO CAO=Badawi-- VS --LIU BEI=Anwar --VS --SUN QUAN=Nik Aziz
For those other races who dunno the history of 3 kingdoms and the characters named above, I am sorry but you will have to bear with me. For chinese, please return to Mars/Ulu Place/watever u call it. The world is too dangerous.
1st Similarity
History: LIU BEI(刘备) and CAO CAO (曹操) are comrades of The Rebel Army to fight against DONG ZHUO(董卓). LIU BEI then separated with CAO CAO and created his own forces with the aim of conquering ZHONG YUAN (Mainland of China).
Now: Anwar and Badawi are both members of The BN to 'develop' Malaysia. Anwar then being sacked from BN and the 'Black-eye-incident' happened. After that, Anwar created his own political party, PKR, with the help of his wife.
2nd Similarity
History: Before LIU BEI build up his forces and has his own land, he was attacked by CAO CAO several times. As a result, LIU BEI's family and his brothers GUAN YU & ZHANG FEI had a very difficult time then.
Now: Before PKR and gang won a few states in the last general election, BN with help of the Royal Police Force had caught a few members from the opposition parties and ISAed (verb) them accordingly for some unknown(ridiculous) reasons. Famous incident: Operation Lalang.
3rd Similarity
History: After CAO CAO had conquered the northen part of the China, he then aimed the southern part of China. In order to resist CAO CAO, LIU BEI and SUN QUAN(孙权) had formed an alliance. Therefore, in year 208, the famous "Battle of Red Cliff" occurred. In this battle, CAO CAO suffer a very heavy loss.
Now: After the BN had ruled (exploited) Malaysia for half a decade, the people had suffered enough and decided that it is the time to have a change. Therefore, in year 2008, the famous "Tsunami 308" occurred. In the last general election, BN suffered a very heavy loss under the attack of the alliance of opposition party of PKR and PAS and of course the reddish DAP.
4th Similarity
History: After the battle at Red Cliff, LIU BEI's force had strengthen and was becoming greater as time went by. This made both CAO CAO and SUN QUAN very worried. Therefore, CAO CAO and SUN QUAN decided to combine forces and attacked LIU BEI together.
Now: After the Tsunami 308, PKR seems to be getting stronger with Anwar wanting to enter into parliament, the 916 prophecy and so on and so forth. This made both BN and PAS very worried. Therefore, BN and PAS has been conducting meeting and conversation lately to discuss the issue of 'Uniting Malays in Malaysia' (lame)*. But what is behind the curtain, we really don't know. Especially with Anwar of PKR now in 'deep' trouble.
*(I feel it is lame not because i am a racist or having some evil thought, it is because I feel that it is very pointless to talk about this now as we are now heading towards globalisation. So, we should stand together as the citizen of the world. Plus, the most important issue now is inflation due to economic slow down and the damn rising oil price. Come on! Grow up and stop being so shallow minded! Ok, a bit emotiional i think. haha.)
See the similarities?
This proves that Malaysia is also capable of making a movie with fantastic storyline which can be compared with John Woo's film. 'Malaysia Boleh' or not?
Of course, 'The Romance Of 3 Parties' hasn't ended yet. Therefore, sit back, relax and continue to enjoy the remaining of the movie. God knows what will happen next?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
This is the product I saw on the shelves when visiting Watson today.
Cool huh?
Therefore, if u wanna say someone is horny, the simile that u can use is "AS HORNY AS A GOAT".
p/s: I really wonder what is the use of this product to human and what will happen if anyone drink it. Can anyone tell me?
Monday, July 14, 2008
2 Info That I Learned Today
Today is kind of a memorable day.
Not because it is a nice number for TOTO/Magnum 4D. And of course I don't buy those.
Today, don't know for what reason, I woke up surprisingly early, like 4 a.m. in the morning. And I don't have a class today. I was thinking of going back to sleep again but then I realised since the state I am staying now has changed its government for like 4 months, I thought of giving my lifestyle a change too.
And this is not a bad idea as I finally managed to nudge Evelyn which I seldom get the chance due to the time zone difference. Lol.
We did some catch up and later on she gave me 2 pieces of info. I admit that my level of info is a bit lagging because I rarely touch newspaper recently, so some of you out there might have already known them.
1st INFO.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has decide that he is going to resign as Prime Minister in 2010, after much debate on wheter he should resign or not.
I kind of believe that it is a wise choice for him to step down before the next general election. Because he will be stepping down when BN is still exploting, err... no, I mean ruling the country. Maybe he couldn't face it if BN were to lose again like the 12th General Election. Maybe it is time for him to stay at home and spend more time with his new wife.
Therefore, I believe he sincerely wanting to step down when 2010 comes.
However, there are people who don't think so.
An example would be our beloved EX-Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. He claimed that it is a 'sweet candy' given to Dato Seri Najib for him not to challenge for the President post in the coming UMNO election, which the real situation is that Badawi has no intention to give PM post to him at all (deepest apology as Gelaran and Full Name ignored after this coz tooooo longgg).
"Gula-gula diberikan kepada Dato Seri Najib bahawa dianya juga dikehendaki bebas daripada cabaran untuk Timbalan Presiden........ Najib akan dijanji peralihan kuasa akan dibuat pada 2010. Sebelum sampai tarikh keramat ini tuduhan akan dilempar terhadapnya supaya dia ternampak tidak lagi layak untuk menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.Seorang yang dianggap lebih setia kepada Dato Seri Abdullah akan menggantinya. Pengganti tidak akan ambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri pada 2010 kerana kurang pengalaman. Dato Seri Abdullah akan bermurah hati untuk mengisi jawatan itu hingga Pilihanraya Umum ke-13."
(100% genuine copy from Mahathir Blog- Not I say 1 ok.)
Is this familiar to you?
Well, I am sure it is for Mahathir because that is a tactic which he used like free. And as a result, uduring his ruling time, there are like 3/4? DPM under him. In the end, he chose the 'loyal' Badawi as the final candidate as his successor. But it turns out that Badawi is not that 'loyal' in the end, maybe because of the cancellation of all the previous Mahathir's 'Big Project', so we can see the 'Mahathir Bomming Badawi Show' almost everyday now.
I am not a politician, and I don't really understand politic. So I don't really know the real meaning of all the tactics used by our beloved politicians. But what I know is that shouldn't politicians be those who are busy trying to set out plans to develop the country? Shouldn't the next PM be chosen in an fair election based on qualities?
I don't know. I think it is either they have too much time after attending the routine Parliment meeting or I am just too naive to see all the things behind this.
Change to 2nd INFO.
Malaysia is going to have 太监!Correct me if I am wrong, I think the English word for it is Eunuch. I swear that I could see the sinister smile on Evelyn's face when she was telling me this. The origin of this info is from our YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen. Due to the increasing rate of rape cases, she suggested that castration should be put on those who are convicted for raping. She hopes that this will serve as a warning to those potential rapers out there.
Wow! This is cool man! After such a long time, Malaysia is going to continue the tradition which China had stopped century ago after the fall of Qing Dynasty to revolution. This again proves the 'Malaysia Boleh' theory. Of course, there were much commotion and discussion about this after she had made the statement, as usual, like what Malaysian always say, 'Biasalah'.
However, castration punishment is much similar to the punishment laid under Islamic Law which PAS is hoping so much to implement it in Malaysia. It is because if I am not wrong, those who steal will be chopped off their hand if they are convicted. So I wonder whether the logic of thinking of YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen of BN is linked to PAS.
But I am still interested on who is going to execute the punishment. Maybe those executor will need to be sent for training under Dr. Ng Yen Yen. She is a doctor mah!
And oh yea, the greatest benefit of me getting up early today is that I found a Malay stall which sells RM1 meehoon in Sunway while going jogging just now. Lol. Oklah. I am just being ignorant. Because the stall is there for like long time ago.
And I managed to catch the sunrise today. So for those who threaten me 看不到明天的日出!a.k.a cannot see the sunrise tomorrow, it is just too bad. Hehe!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Didn't expect to watch it because i noe it is a commercial movie and i noe Will is not getting together with Charlize in the end thru some movie review.
I went into the cinema with the thought of it being a comedy, and prepare to lol.
And indeed i get a good laugh in the 1st half of the movie with all the non-usual kind of superhero behaviour, always drunk and set himself to destruction mode even though he is indeed saving the world; acting like an enemy of the states rather than being a hero.
My opinion of Hancock was that he is a superhero but also a human being. He will feel depressed of not being understood; he will get mad at times; he will drink when he is feeling lonely, and yes, he is lonely.
The difference between him and all the other previous superheroes is that Hancock is straightforward and so he doesn't know how to put on a mask to hide his trueself from the normal human being. He doesn't have an black underwear put on his head; doesn't have a blue-red uniform which he claimed as gay (although later he gave in anyway by wearing a tight black suit). But maybe he doesn't know how to pretend and act differently in front of the public, he is hated. And because he doesn't get recognition from the public, he behaves in such manner.
That was my opinion at first.
The 2nd half of the story proved me wrong. Or should i say from the moment i saw the way Hancock looked into Mary's eyes, I knew there must be something between them. I then thought that it must be Mary who dumped him after he lost his memory and left him with juz 2 movie tickets.
But again, I am wrong. Or should i say it is not that simple.
The truth is that superheroes like Mary and Hancock (a.k.a Angel) were created in pairs. They had natural attraction between each other. However, after they got happily ever after, their superpower will also slowly decrease until they become normal husband and wife. (Just like the Chinese ancient legend, Gods were not supposed to have feeling of love and affection towards another. If they do, they will be sacked down to earth from heaven, losing their godstrength and immortality.) All the other superheroes had chosen to become normal human being, left with only Hancock and Mary. It is because eventhough Hancock are losing his superpower by getting together with Mary, he couldn't let go of his responsibility as superheroes and kept fighting against the dark forces which put them into a lot of danger and being hunt down by bad people.
I began to realise the reason why Mary chose to left Hancock after he lost his memory. She knew Hancock couldn't stop helping to save the world and their love with just brought up more pain and danger. So she left and endure the pain of not being together with the love one all by herself, in exchange for letting Hancock to continue to save the world. This also explains why Mary was always nearby with Hancock wherever he was. She could not forget him and had chosen a different way to love him.
But Mary underestimated their over 3000-year-love.
Though Hancock lost his memory, deep in his heart, he knew he had someone he loved. But he couldn't remember who was she. And so he put his frustration to the normal human being around him.
The mystery of Hancock being 'Jackass" or 'Handcock' or 'Handjob' was solved.
Actually, superheroes/god are born with blessing by the Great Creator. They could choose either live happily ever after as normal couples or being an immortal having godstrength. But because Hancock could not let go of his love towards Mary, this blessing turned out to be a curse. And Hancock & Mary lived with this curse for over 3000 years.
Sincerely, I was touched by their love and also pity their faith at the same time.
Hancock loves Mary so much that he had to leave her this time in order to save her life, and his also. He could just die on the spot with Mary and both of them will have eternal love, but he didn't.
When I saw him struggling to get up after he jumped down from the window, I knew he had finally made a decision. He had chosen to let Mary revived by putting aside his 3000-year-old love, forfeiting his rights of being together with the loved one as normal human being.
Maybe he finally realise that true love not only can bring them together, true love also can be beyond distance, time and dimension.
At the ending, when I saw him in that black tight suit, I felt very uneasy.
Not because he looked gay in that, but because I could clearly see the deep loneliness written all over his face, although he had a dog and a moon with red heart painted on it then.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008