Malaysia Today has been blocked by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Oh well..... Freedom of speech proved speechless here...
Nevertheless, there is this article posted in Malaysia-Today previously which I like a lot, entitled "What I really care about?"
Below is the exact original copy from It's a bit long though but meaningful, at least to me. Just hope that I will not be blocked or ISAed too for sharing this.
What I Really Care About
Posted by St Low
Thursday, 28 August 2008 19:53
I don't care whether your Swiss bank account has billions and billions of dollars, legally or illegally; as long as my wallet is full, and I have enough to still survive till the end of the month.
However, if your Swiss bank account is full, and as a result, you deprive the right of my wallet to be full, then that is a problem. When I have to cut down on trips to Bukit Bintang at the end of the month, when I opt for a Kancil instead of a Benz, when I feel an urge to eat fried chicken but have to eat goreng pisang, then that is a problem. And since my wallet is not full, and still far from full, and keeps decreasing, and your Swiss bank account is still exponentially increasing, I want to question why. If I don't even get a right to question why, then I will be angry, and really angry and will try all means to stop your Swiss bank account from continually increasing.
The Singapore ministers have the highest paychecks in the world. However, since they are sharing the country's success with the people, and everyone's wallet is full till the end of the month, the people are therefore happy to always re-elect these ministers with landslide wins.
So, hopefully one day you will understand that I really don't care about your Swiss bank account, and I only care about my own wallet as long as it's full.
I don't care whether you stripped off the natural resources - our god-given natural oil reserves before your ancestors and my ancestors landed in this beloved land; as long as the stripped-off natural resources are put to good use to improve the country and infrastructure, and I can enjoy a leiurely walk along the developed city without being highly taxed.
I do envy the low tax (or no tax?) in Brunei and some middle-East countries, yet enjoy superb infrastructure. Their future descendants may find their god-given natural resources exhausted but at least they get to enjoy the fruits from their ancestors using the natural resources to trade for better infrastructure and development of the country.
However, if you stripped off the natural resources, and I still don't get to see a developed city, and still get highly taxed, then that is a problem. I will worry about my future generations when the country has run out of these resources. How are they going to survive with the lousy infrastructure our country is leaving behind? In the meantime, when I see your big multi-million-dollar fully-developed mansion near Klang as a result of stripping off natural resources which belong to the countrymen, I am really angry. And I will try all means to stop you from building multi-million-dollar mansions for your own leisure.
Hope that one day you will understand that I really don't care about your act of stripping off our natural resources, and I only care about how you spend it wisely for development.
I don't care whether you drive a Mercs or a Proton, and I don't care whether the maintenance bill is skyrocketing for your state-issued cars. I only care about my own car and my own maintenance cost.
However, when you issued APs to some fat-fat cronies, the import of good quality cars became too expensive. So, when I have to either get a bad quality car with high maintenance, or a good imported car with low maintenance but further fattening the fat cronies, I am angry. Don't cry if your AP is taken away from you because the AP shouldn't belong to you in the first place. Don't be so happy if you are a good friend of the son-in-law of the AP's issuer, and get tonnes of Toyota Prius APs, because sooner or later you will lose everything and even cost your friend's father-in-law his job as well.
Hope that one day you will understand that I really don't care about your car, as long as I have a good quality and affordable car.
I don't care whether you have dozens of bodyguards around you, and even enough to despatch some for the C4 act; as long as I don't get robbed even inside my highly secured terrace.
However, I remember that thievery was rare when I was young, not to mention robberies. Furthermore, the distinction between the robbers and the police is becoming grayer. When you import so many underqualified 'expats' from overseas, and when losing their jobs turn to robbery, I am really angry. I was even angrier when you have enough bodyguards to despatch some for the C4 act yet I am feeling so insecure under broad daylight. When I cry for help after a robbery, the help will come much later after all the robbers have cleared the scene.
I don't know what to say about the judiciary, police, and our guardians. Isn't it stated in the constitution (and any pea-sized brain homo-sapien should know) that the judiciary and the executive should be separated? And yet, someone with a Maha-brain mixed-up the judiciary with the government to make it inseparable.
Hope that one day you will understand that security and justice is a basic need in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, not only for you, but for me as well.
I don't care whether you control the media or not, as long as I still get to read Malaysia Today and Malaysiakini on the web.
Just like when you misinterpreted Karpal's message on 25 August, and issued an apology later on 26 August evening, but damage had already been done. Some innocent kampung people that were susceptible to your media and your words must be greatly regretting now. Luckily, it was not damaging enough. And don't forget that they will remember this day and the consequences will come in the future, against you.
Hope that one day you will understand the media is to spread unity and love, not to spread your own hatred and insincerity.
I don't care whether you open Mara to other races as well; as long as my future generations still get to enjoy good education, and as long as the top universities at least still earn some slight respect from the international communities. Do you remember that University of Malaya was once ranked highly, in medicine and other courses? Do you remember when it was still in the list of ranked international universities? Can you do me a favor - try surfing the UM's website to check how many of their professors have internationally-referred journals; how many of them still have international standings. And where is its ranking now, can you tell me? Do you think I care whether my future generations can get a place in Mara? If UM is not recognized in the world, why would I mention Mara? Oppsss..., no problem as all your sons are studying overseas in Oxford or Cambridge, with taxpayer monies.
Hope that one day you will understand there is no point in competing among the races on scarce education resources as we have the whole world stage to compete on in terms of science, technology and arts; and I hope my descendants can compete on a world stage as a result of your education system.
I don't care whether you issue contracts to your cronies or not; as long as it is issued fairly. And if I lost the contract, I would be able to take it as it was due to my lack of competitiveness. But before I can bid for a contract and at least guarantee my bread-and-butter, someone is writing some tolong letter to you. And you bypass all the fair and just systems to deliver the contract to this Apa-Nama-Out-of-the-Country's pocket, at a highly marked up price and the deliverables are highly susceptible to failure. As a result, we have to pay high toll fees for never-ending years and getting electricity as costly as diamonds, and a parliament house that is always flooded.
Hope that one day you will understand the value of fairness; win is a win, lose is a lose. Not by connections, but by competitiveness.
I don't care about your racist remarks and keris-flying acts as long as I can still maintain the friendship of my Malay, Chinese and Indian friends. But when I am getting less and less friends of other races, I am really angry. Each of the races has different strengths and weaknesses. To propel the nation forward, we cannot afford to lose out the contributions of anyone. And yet you make me so lonely that I don't have friends from other ethnic groups. That really frustrates me. When I want to find a sincere and trustworthy manager for my field, my Malay friends ignore me; when I want to do some high-end design and scientific research, my Chinese friends are all overseas; when I want to get my Indian friends to defend myself from a lawsuit, they are nowhere to be found but busy defending tonnes of sedition lawsuits.
Hope that one day you will understand that we have the best combinations of human resources in the world, and yet you don't treasure it to the extent of threatening it with keris-flying. I only care whether my descendants can still make friends with Malays, Chinese and Indians.
And I really don't care who becomes my boss, whether 16 September will get realized or not, as long as my boss cares for what I care for. And if you really care, then you will be my boss forever, whoever you are.
Reproduce from (
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
"One Kampung, One Very Own Dream"
There is a place in this world called 'Kampung' settlement which is situated in the South-East Asia. This is a very special settlement.
Some of the residents in this 'kampung' are very protective towards this settlement that they live in. They feel very comfortable living here.
There is no competition, no challenge; there is no failure, and of course there is no success.
They live a simple live, do some assembly work(proton), eat some mee goreng, drink some coffee using 'duit kopi'. Everything is so wonderful here.
Therefore, they are wary about those 'outsiders' who try to enter their 'kampung' and disrupt their harmony life.
So, very often, you will see a signboard sticking outside the 'kampung' which sounds like this: "NO ENTRY--AUTHORISED KAMPUNG-IST ONLY".
All the 'kampung' people always think that they are the special one which nobody else can surpass them. They are always the best, the champion and always 'Boleh!'. Whatever happening outside the 'kampung', they don't know and wouldn't care to know.
This 'kampung' also has 1 very unique university. This university only has students from this 'kampung' (kampungist) only since very long time ago.
But if you try something funny by suggesting that the university opens up to accept other types of students, even only 10%, you will get into very deep trouble.
You will be called 'The Traitor'; then you will see the 'kampungist' having demonstration against your suggestion; after that there will be some 'kampung' heroes(YB) trying very hard to use the kampung law to put you in jail.
No matter how influential you are in this world, you still couldn't enter into the 'Kampung'. Not even the famous Avril who just wants to entertain them while earning a living. Worst still, she is ridiculously labelled as "Too Sexy".
What does "too sexy" trying to portray? Maybe they are trying to tell the outside world to be careful of 'kampungist' because they use thier lower part of the body to think.
The 2008 Olympics Games slogan sounds like this: "One World, One Dream".
While all the YB pulling the very rare kampung-born Olympics silver medalist all around for the coming election, I wonder whether the Olympics slogan hits the 'kampungist' head or not.
What I do know is that the neighour of 'Kampung', the Lion City is realising the slogan really well. Mr. Lee of Lion City said that due to the fierce competition, Lion City no longer depends on its own citizens to develop. As long as you have talents, the Lion City will welcome you warmly. Mr. Lee also comforted the citizens of Lion City not to worry about the incoming outsiders because they need them in all aspects.
Lion City is really good in attracting talents.
I don't know how the 'kampungist' feel when they hear this. For me, it's like giving them a big slap on the face. Maybe next time when they try to question the loyalty of those who left the 'Kampung' for the better, they would have to think twice.
The 'Kampung' is going to celebrate its 51st Birthday in the coming week. Let us just wish that the 'Kampungist' will try very hard to move away from the slogan "One Kampung, One Very Own Dream".
Some of the residents in this 'kampung' are very protective towards this settlement that they live in. They feel very comfortable living here.
There is no competition, no challenge; there is no failure, and of course there is no success.
They live a simple live, do some assembly work(proton), eat some mee goreng, drink some coffee using 'duit kopi'. Everything is so wonderful here.
Therefore, they are wary about those 'outsiders' who try to enter their 'kampung' and disrupt their harmony life.
So, very often, you will see a signboard sticking outside the 'kampung' which sounds like this: "NO ENTRY--AUTHORISED KAMPUNG-IST ONLY".
All the 'kampung' people always think that they are the special one which nobody else can surpass them. They are always the best, the champion and always 'Boleh!'. Whatever happening outside the 'kampung', they don't know and wouldn't care to know.
This 'kampung' also has 1 very unique university. This university only has students from this 'kampung' (kampungist) only since very long time ago.
But if you try something funny by suggesting that the university opens up to accept other types of students, even only 10%, you will get into very deep trouble.
You will be called 'The Traitor'; then you will see the 'kampungist' having demonstration against your suggestion; after that there will be some 'kampung' heroes(YB) trying very hard to use the kampung law to put you in jail.
No matter how influential you are in this world, you still couldn't enter into the 'Kampung'. Not even the famous Avril who just wants to entertain them while earning a living. Worst still, she is ridiculously labelled as "Too Sexy".
What does "too sexy" trying to portray? Maybe they are trying to tell the outside world to be careful of 'kampungist' because they use thier lower part of the body to think.
The 2008 Olympics Games slogan sounds like this: "One World, One Dream".
While all the YB pulling the very rare kampung-born Olympics silver medalist all around for the coming election, I wonder whether the Olympics slogan hits the 'kampungist' head or not.
What I do know is that the neighour of 'Kampung', the Lion City is realising the slogan really well. Mr. Lee of Lion City said that due to the fierce competition, Lion City no longer depends on its own citizens to develop. As long as you have talents, the Lion City will welcome you warmly. Mr. Lee also comforted the citizens of Lion City not to worry about the incoming outsiders because they need them in all aspects.
Lion City is really good in attracting talents.
I don't know how the 'kampungist' feel when they hear this. For me, it's like giving them a big slap on the face. Maybe next time when they try to question the loyalty of those who left the 'Kampung' for the better, they would have to think twice.
The 'Kampung' is going to celebrate its 51st Birthday in the coming week. Let us just wish that the 'Kampungist' will try very hard to move away from the slogan "One Kampung, One Very Own Dream".
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thank You and Goodbye
ACCA Examination Result is out!
Not really anticipating it, and there were not much surprise.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Geoff Cordwell for his kindness of letting me stay under him for 1 more bloody semester.
And A VERY SAD GOODBYE to Mr. Alan Lewin as well as Mr. Antony Head due to our separation. May we meet each other again in Heaven if both of you and I could manage to reach there.
Anyway, congrats to all that did well!
Not really anticipating it, and there were not much surprise.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Geoff Cordwell for his kindness of letting me stay under him for 1 more bloody semester.
And A VERY SAD GOODBYE to Mr. Alan Lewin as well as Mr. Antony Head due to our separation. May we meet each other again in Heaven if both of you and I could manage to reach there.
Anyway, congrats to all that did well!

仙剑奇侠传4通关好多天了, 这一次并没有所谓的多结局或完美结局, 就单单一个结局. 看完通关画面, 有淡淡的的感伤和沉沉的压抑感. 看着窗外的景象,反而觉得现实世界不那么真实了.
我并不是从第一代的仙剑玩起的. 第一次玩的是仙剑3, 不眠不休的在朋友--德楠的电脑折腾了三天才通关, 遗憾的是那时打到的并不是完美结局. 从此, 迷上了RPG, 尤其是仙剑, 陪伴着我成长, 里头的爱恨情仇潜移默化的影响我的感情观.
月如与灵儿的无畏无私, 逍遥的不羁......
云天河常说:"我命由我, 不在于天."
在游戏中,我有时简直在怀疑编剧的用心不良,他在一次次让人物说出“我命由我, 不由天”的同时,又让我们看到命运是如何不可违抗,逝去的过往是怎样的不可挽回.
这让我想起曾经看过的古希腊, 关于俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)的故事. 同样的为了摆脱命运--德尔菲(Delphi)神殿的神谕说他会弑父娶母,同样是至亲至爱的最终离去,同样是忍受神的意志的安排,甚至俄狄浦斯受到天罚而双目失明的结局都在云天河身上发生了。古希腊的神话中总是在讲述人反抗诸神和命运的战斗,从而拥有强大的悲剧力量,仙剑四中因为有这样的影子而显得深沉。
所以, 无论我把主角的等级练到99, 无论在游戏的过程中,我搜集多少灵药,有了多少钱,买了多少武器......
但是, 我总想, 像菱纱那样勇于向命运作出挑战。而有勇气的生命,注定是精彩的,可歌可泣的!
在通关结局的剧情里, 天河最后竟还是笑了, 在经历了生离死别, 诸多的爱恨情仇后.
故事结束了,但是它带给我的感触是如梦般的. 不知为什么总是忘怀不了那红色的倩影,蓝色的忧郁; 忘怀不了即墨的花灯, 忘怀不了最后定格的凄美画卷…
p/s: This is a review of the chinese RPG game I played recently. Couldn't blog in English.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Month Of August
This few days, I was busy completing a Chinese RPG Game. So basically I was just sitting in front of com whole day. lol. Will blog about it later.
These few days, there are few incidents which will made August a happening month.
1. Olympics!
Yesterday was the start of this sports carnival. I managed to catch a glimpse of the opening ceremony thru the Astro provided in 'Rock Cafe', but not patient enough to wait until Malaysia to come out. Checked the scoreboard just now and China is leading with 2 golds. Well, I have strong belief that China could emerge as champion due to host advantage. Besides, if this sports carnival come out to be a successful one, it surely will raise China's reputation. Western forces will not be the only 1 influence the world. US and gangs will have to come up with more ideas to put a curb on it. China's stock market maybe their next target.
2. Resign of Wan Azizah as MP of Permatang Pauh!
Everyone know Anwar needs to enter the parliment to carry out his 'Sept 16' plan. So, Wan Azizah resigned to give way to her husband for the “New Dawn for Malaysia”. Permatang Pauh has been a fortress for Anwar since 1980s. Well, I admire Azizah's courage and her bravery because no matter how you see it, it is still a gamble for letting go a post which is already in hand for re-election, eventhough this is a low risk gamble. Indeed, it needs much courage and confidence. Because nobody can be sure what will happen next. Nevertheless, I believe all Malaysian will remember her as the first female leader of the opposition party in parliment. Wan Azizah, a politician arised after 'Reformasi', her perserverance will always stay in our heart.
3. Anwar was charged!
To charge, or not to charge, that is the question. Well, the question was solved now, after much hoo-haa, real and fake medical report, and disappearing act, as usual. And they managed to solve on time, which is way before the nomination and re-election. But the way they solved the question is a bit, err... funny I would say. Surprisingly, Anwar was charged under 377B, and not 377C which being claimed previously. And this wave of attack gives a big headache to the lawyer on Anwar's side. Hahaha. What does it mean? From my level of knowlegde, I only know that it means Anwar and his partner both like 'sotongmee', and they eat 'sotongmee' together, willingly. Yeah, I mean willingly. Funny right? It's like you kena sued for 'visiting' your friends in Chow Kit or Geylang. So, beware!!!! You dunno when your 'friend' will suddenly sue you!
4. Forum on conversion to Islam
"I maybe disagree with what you said, but I respect your right to speak up."
I forget who mention this phrase before, but this is definitely not true in malaysia. About 200 protesters demonstrating against the Bar Council's forum on "Conversion to Islam" on Saturday morning in Kuala Lumpur. This created another big hoo-haa with some petrol bomb. Surprisingly, our 'brave' and 'dedicated' police are not capable to withstand these protesters or chase them away as what they usually did previously, eg in Cheras. As a result, the forum was ended early at 10 a.m.
I seriously dunno what they are angry of, or should I say, what are they afraid of? In the end, it is just a forum. I don't believe any religion is that weak until it will be threatened by a small forum, which comprised of representatives from different religion (including Islam) of different views. And the thing is those protesters don't even really know what is going to be discussed in the forum! Where are the mutual understand and communication much needed by a multi-racial country? Or they think the only way to communicate is through brutal force?
August, an interesting month!
These few days, there are few incidents which will made August a happening month.
1. Olympics!
Yesterday was the start of this sports carnival. I managed to catch a glimpse of the opening ceremony thru the Astro provided in 'Rock Cafe', but not patient enough to wait until Malaysia to come out. Checked the scoreboard just now and China is leading with 2 golds. Well, I have strong belief that China could emerge as champion due to host advantage. Besides, if this sports carnival come out to be a successful one, it surely will raise China's reputation. Western forces will not be the only 1 influence the world. US and gangs will have to come up with more ideas to put a curb on it. China's stock market maybe their next target.
2. Resign of Wan Azizah as MP of Permatang Pauh!
Everyone know Anwar needs to enter the parliment to carry out his 'Sept 16' plan. So, Wan Azizah resigned to give way to her husband for the “New Dawn for Malaysia”. Permatang Pauh has been a fortress for Anwar since 1980s. Well, I admire Azizah's courage and her bravery because no matter how you see it, it is still a gamble for letting go a post which is already in hand for re-election, eventhough this is a low risk gamble. Indeed, it needs much courage and confidence. Because nobody can be sure what will happen next. Nevertheless, I believe all Malaysian will remember her as the first female leader of the opposition party in parliment. Wan Azizah, a politician arised after 'Reformasi', her perserverance will always stay in our heart.
3. Anwar was charged!
To charge, or not to charge, that is the question. Well, the question was solved now, after much hoo-haa, real and fake medical report, and disappearing act, as usual. And they managed to solve on time, which is way before the nomination and re-election. But the way they solved the question is a bit, err... funny I would say. Surprisingly, Anwar was charged under 377B, and not 377C which being claimed previously. And this wave of attack gives a big headache to the lawyer on Anwar's side. Hahaha. What does it mean? From my level of knowlegde, I only know that it means Anwar and his partner both like 'sotongmee', and they eat 'sotongmee' together, willingly. Yeah, I mean willingly. Funny right? It's like you kena sued for 'visiting' your friends in Chow Kit or Geylang. So, beware!!!! You dunno when your 'friend' will suddenly sue you!
4. Forum on conversion to Islam
"I maybe disagree with what you said, but I respect your right to speak up."
I forget who mention this phrase before, but this is definitely not true in malaysia. About 200 protesters demonstrating against the Bar Council's forum on "Conversion to Islam" on Saturday morning in Kuala Lumpur. This created another big hoo-haa with some petrol bomb. Surprisingly, our 'brave' and 'dedicated' police are not capable to withstand these protesters or chase them away as what they usually did previously, eg in Cheras. As a result, the forum was ended early at 10 a.m.
I seriously dunno what they are angry of, or should I say, what are they afraid of? In the end, it is just a forum. I don't believe any religion is that weak until it will be threatened by a small forum, which comprised of representatives from different religion (including Islam) of different views. And the thing is those protesters don't even really know what is going to be discussed in the forum! Where are the mutual understand and communication much needed by a multi-racial country? Or they think the only way to communicate is through brutal force?
August, an interesting month!
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