Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010
如果你那边有四季之分,现在应该是你最喜欢的季节吧?望着满天飞雪,看着口中呼出的热气,雪人丛堆,木建的cabin, 门前两幅对联,复古式暖炉,一壶温热的碧螺春,典型的“紫菱式”中西合璧。你在那边的场景应该是这样的吧?虽然我总认为有些格格不入,呵呵。
如果你那边有四季之分,现在应该是你最喜欢的季节吧?望着满天飞雪,看着口中呼出的热气,雪人丛堆,木建的cabin, 门前两幅对联,复古式暖炉,一壶温热的碧螺春,典型的“紫菱式”中西合璧。你在那边的场景应该是这样的吧?虽然我总认为有些格格不入,呵呵。
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Fake
They always said, "Actual doesn't always goes according to plan."
Well, that perfectly fit the Malaysia plan which comes every 5 years.
For the past 50 years, we have 9 Malaysia plan in total. But without me elaborating further more, we all know the plan thingie is more like a formality, something you will need to present every year, but it is of no much use. Just like the LAN subject, Moral Studies. We did it for the sake of doing it and until now I still don't know why I need to stay in the library from 9 am to 9pm on a fine friday, and carried on till 1 am in the foyer just to finish up the presentation. And I don't even do that for my ACCA subjects!
So, I presume "Malaysia Plan" = "Lan Subject".
But I personally feel Lan Subject was of greater use than the Malaysia Plan, because at least the Lan Subject can bring us joyful moment during the completion of project, orphanage visit, etc, but the Malaysia Plan only give us PAINFUL moment.
You are given beautiful promise every beginning of five years, just to realise it's in vain at the end of the five years. Not painful meh?
You are given 9 Malaysia Plan in total up to date, just to be told that you might go bankrupt in 2019. Not painful meh?
You are promised with a growing GDP since the 1970, just to realise that in 2010, we are actually not much better than our very good neighbour, Indonesia. Our not so good neighbour, Singapore, already ahead of us don't know since when. Not painful meh?
So, do you agree with me that we have to endure the painful moment every 5 years?
Today is 2010. And it's time for 1oth Malaysia Plan to be on the stage.
Do you think you still can anticipate anything from the Plan?
I would rather anticipate which country will win the World Cup.
Thus, I really could not understand why I hear so many people discussing/debating about the Plan, on TV, on newspapers, on radio, in pasar, in coffee shop, etc.
It is because no matter how perfect the whole Plan is, it would be futile in the end! It's better for us to discuss who will win in the next general election.
And yes, you might say there is a change for better in this 10th Malaysia Plan. You might say, at least there were no compulsory 30% Bumiputra shareholding for listed companies mah.
But, if you look carefully, the wording is something like this, "In 2015, Bumiputra shareholding should at least reach 30%." At of course, this wording is being made more beautiful and more acceptable to all people by saying, "This aim should be archieved with more transparency and based on meritocracy."
Talking about transparency and meritocracy in a country like Malaysia. Am I hearing a joke or what?
Because if we really want to practise transparency and meritocracy, do you know how many "RELATED-PARTY-COMPANIES" need to close shop? And how many people need to sell air syrup and mee goreng in pasar malam as a result?
If Malaysia could really practise transparency and meritocracy, we will not have a close door policy after the 1998 economy crisis and stupidly fix the forex rate at 3.80. If Anwar did not go against Mahathir and propose strongly to borrow funds from IMF and let those rotten related-party-companies to collapse, Anwar could still hold on to his Finance Minister post. The famous 'Sodomy' case will not happen. There would not be PKR also. And sorry Najib, you would probably have to wait a few years more before you could be the prime minister.
And most importantly, if we really want to practise transparency and meritocracy, what would be the reaction of Ibrahim Ali and his army PERKASA? They would probably create a big riot man!
The 10th Malaysia Plan still promises sweet candy, aiming at economic growth of 6%, an increase of 12.8% for both internal and external private investment, incentive for foreign talent, etc etc.
But, without changing the stubborn and bloody narrow mindset of certain group of people who made up nearly 70% of population of Malaysia, we could not archieve any breakthrough. We would probably going in a vicious cycle, round and round to the starting point every 5 years. And we seriously could go bankrupt in 2019 when there were no petroleum income to feed those hungry ghost anymore.
So, if there isn't any change, if PERKASA is not eliminated, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Malaysia Plan would always be the same.
(Famous quote from Ibrahim Ali)
Well, that perfectly fit the Malaysia plan which comes every 5 years.
For the past 50 years, we have 9 Malaysia plan in total. But without me elaborating further more, we all know the plan thingie is more like a formality, something you will need to present every year, but it is of no much use. Just like the LAN subject, Moral Studies. We did it for the sake of doing it and until now I still don't know why I need to stay in the library from 9 am to 9pm on a fine friday, and carried on till 1 am in the foyer just to finish up the presentation. And I don't even do that for my ACCA subjects!
So, I presume "Malaysia Plan" = "Lan Subject".
But I personally feel Lan Subject was of greater use than the Malaysia Plan, because at least the Lan Subject can bring us joyful moment during the completion of project, orphanage visit, etc, but the Malaysia Plan only give us PAINFUL moment.
You are given beautiful promise every beginning of five years, just to realise it's in vain at the end of the five years. Not painful meh?
You are given 9 Malaysia Plan in total up to date, just to be told that you might go bankrupt in 2019. Not painful meh?
You are promised with a growing GDP since the 1970, just to realise that in 2010, we are actually not much better than our very good neighbour, Indonesia. Our not so good neighbour, Singapore, already ahead of us don't know since when. Not painful meh?
So, do you agree with me that we have to endure the painful moment every 5 years?
Today is 2010. And it's time for 1oth Malaysia Plan to be on the stage.
Do you think you still can anticipate anything from the Plan?
I would rather anticipate which country will win the World Cup.
Thus, I really could not understand why I hear so many people discussing/debating about the Plan, on TV, on newspapers, on radio, in pasar, in coffee shop, etc.
It is because no matter how perfect the whole Plan is, it would be futile in the end! It's better for us to discuss who will win in the next general election.
And yes, you might say there is a change for better in this 10th Malaysia Plan. You might say, at least there were no compulsory 30% Bumiputra shareholding for listed companies mah.
But, if you look carefully, the wording is something like this, "In 2015, Bumiputra shareholding should at least reach 30%." At of course, this wording is being made more beautiful and more acceptable to all people by saying, "This aim should be archieved with more transparency and based on meritocracy."
Talking about transparency and meritocracy in a country like Malaysia. Am I hearing a joke or what?
Because if we really want to practise transparency and meritocracy, do you know how many "RELATED-PARTY-COMPANIES" need to close shop? And how many people need to sell air syrup and mee goreng in pasar malam as a result?
If Malaysia could really practise transparency and meritocracy, we will not have a close door policy after the 1998 economy crisis and stupidly fix the forex rate at 3.80. If Anwar did not go against Mahathir and propose strongly to borrow funds from IMF and let those rotten related-party-companies to collapse, Anwar could still hold on to his Finance Minister post. The famous 'Sodomy' case will not happen. There would not be PKR also. And sorry Najib, you would probably have to wait a few years more before you could be the prime minister.
And most importantly, if we really want to practise transparency and meritocracy, what would be the reaction of Ibrahim Ali and his army PERKASA? They would probably create a big riot man!
The 10th Malaysia Plan still promises sweet candy, aiming at economic growth of 6%, an increase of 12.8% for both internal and external private investment, incentive for foreign talent, etc etc.
But, without changing the stubborn and bloody narrow mindset of certain group of people who made up nearly 70% of population of Malaysia, we could not archieve any breakthrough. We would probably going in a vicious cycle, round and round to the starting point every 5 years. And we seriously could go bankrupt in 2019 when there were no petroleum income to feed those hungry ghost anymore.
So, if there isn't any change, if PERKASA is not eliminated, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Malaysia Plan would always be the same.
(Famous quote from Ibrahim Ali)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Superman, Batman, Spiderman and 1Malaysia
Every Prime Minister of Malaysia got their own slogan/tagline. That's 1 of the way to show their own unique presence, to differentiate themselves from the previous Prime Minister.
During the satay-Mahathir days, we had the passionate 'WAWASAN 2020'. I still remember seeing those colourful posters, advertisements as well as partriotic songs during my primary school days. The then government portraited 'WAWASAN 2020' so real that I believe that it will be the reality in 20 years time. I'm once fascinated by the high-speed bullet train which I saw in 1 of the colourful posters. Back then, I always thought, what so great about US and those developed western countries? We will be at the same level too, in 20 years time, of course. Well, I was too young and too naive that time to believe something like that. Ehem, it's normal I think. Just like all of us once believe that 'Superman', 'Batman' and 'Spiderman' really exist in this world. Don't deny, everyone has its younger days.
So, it's 2010 now. Soon it'll be 2020. When China has introduced its 341km/h train, Malaysia has just imported 4 second-hand diesel train of speed 80km/h for RM30mil. And soon, I will have to painfully accept the fact that Malaysia Bullet Train remans as a fantasy. Yes, just like the facet that Superman actually doesn't exist.
Then, we had blah-la-la Pak Lah trying his hardest in the effort of OPPOSING CORRUPTION, soon after he had won the 11th General Election. To solve a problem, we usually set up a committee. So Anti-Corruption Agency a.k.a SPRM is set up. But it proved that to cut off the root of all evil in the government required more determination and preserverance than what Pak Lah equiped of. Look at the result. Malaysia's corruption ranking had fallen to 56, from 47 last year. We were ranked 23 in 1995 and today, we fell to the lowest ranking. We are moving backwards with SPRM. How could the ranking fall even after they have 'done so many' and put in so much of manpower and resources?
It appears to be the lack of political commitments. More and more cases are lieft unsettled while those cases brought to court ended up in loss. Where are the big fish that SPRM claimed? Please pardon my ignorance as I did not see any significant effort in countering corrouption.
Even if there is, it would probably be SENSITIVE and SECRETIVE, just like the landslide case.
What about V.K.Lingam's case? What about PKFZ scandal? And most importantly, what about mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock? I use the word 'mysterious' and you know why. I do not want to end up like Mr. Lim Guan Eng. It has come to a point that we could not voice out our concern, we are banned from speculation, even if the truth is so obvious.
And all of us know, these cases will soon be entering the cooling period. And soon they will fade off because there are too many other issues arise that require our attention. GST, sugar subsidy, stolen engin, etc and etc. The government view all Malaysian as good citizen because of the 'nilai-nilai murni' or cultures such as forgetful and forgiveful. Every year, we will tell each other 'maaf zahir batin', and then every 5 years, we will forget all the bad that the government have done and voted them again.
These are the core values of a good citizen in Malaysia. And we are being treated like a small kid.
"Weep no more, boy, here is your little candy," said the Government.
Now, 2010. c4-maN-AJIB's Greatest Hits, "1MALAYSIA".
I wonder, what does 1Malaysia mean? I always thought it means '1Malaysia for all Malaysian'. But my rational again reminds me to grow up and don't believe in 'Spiderman' anymore. Marvel's heroes only exist in fantasy world.
Because, if 'great minds think alike', lol, then this tagline/slogan is super duper behind time again, for like 45 years.
In 1964, the then Secretary-General of PAP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew once introduced 'Malaysian Malaysia'. This has stirred up a huge and violent consequence and resulted in the permanent separation of Republic of Singapore from Federation of Malaysia. I bet the 'Singaporean Singapore' now will be greatly relieved that they are OUT from the Bermuda Triangle that all Malaysian are going around now.
Ok, I am a coward and to prevent myself being ISAed or burnt for 'playing with fire' like what Mr. Lim Kit Siang had done in 1999, I will make the following statement: Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's 'Malaysian Malaysia' is different from Mr. Najib's '1Malaysia' because Mr. Lee opposed Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia. Err, somemore, I myself personally super support Article 153 lo.
Alright, abit out of topic. What I am trying to say is '1Malaysia' is just another propaganda, tagline, slogan and 'candy' for them to gain back their votes in the coming 13th General Election. And this propaganda isn't cheap as professional image designers are hired to make this a successful brainwash, using taxpayers' money of course.
Sorry people, for I know it's cruel to wake you all up from this beautiful sweet dream, but this is life and we do not live in the fantasy world like what the government trying to create. I feel super sad also when I first realised that my bullet-train is in vain. All the Christian out there, I also feel your pain when you wake up from your peaceful dream to learn that your churchs were burnt down.
To face the reality is super hard I know. Just like it took me very very long like 10 hours to realise that I am actually short, ugly and could not get a girl friend like Megan Fox.
The same goes to all the Malaysian. Malaysia is turning 53 years old this year, and we are all super grown up liao. Don't you think it is high time that we wake up to face the fact that 'Superman', 'Batman', and 'Spiderman' and all other upcoming Marvel's heroes only live in fantasy world while we are living in reality?
It took us super super long like 52 years to go through the 1969 Riots, 1971 New Economic Policy(NEP), Keris High-Five, Little Indian Temple, Chinese Squatters and the most recent Flaming Church. Sorry to say this, we actually know very well that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between us:
You can spit out all kind of racial remarks and make all kind of disgusting gestures and only be suspended for a mere 1 year; but a gentle voice of mine or a Negarakuku song of mine would make me ended up in deep shit, jailed and even have to escape to other country.
You can have your demonstration openly and approved by the PM and shouted out loud loud for mere matters like translation of the name of GOD/Tuhan/etc, but I could not have my peaceful and romantic candle-light gathering for freedom of speech.
Therefore, YOU and ME know freaking well that YOU are DIFFERENT from ME. After numerous incidents, we already accepted the cruel fact that fair rights could not be given to all of us. So, please do not spent more money and effort on these futile slogans or taglines, just like those incomplete government project and white elephants. The word is 'ACTION speaks louder than all kind of SLOGANS'.
I would be happier and more grateful that you use all those money spent on these futile projects to subsidise the sugar of my teh tarik at the mamak stall or the water that my 'SLK'(Small Little Kancil) drink at the petrol station.
No matter how loud you shouted the slogan/tagline, no matter how sweet the little temporary 'candy' you give, we all are mature enough to realise the ugly truth behind all these as we are no longer small kids that believe in Superman anymore.
The TRUTH is, I always thought that I am a bloody racist, but, there are always people out there who are very much worse and more low life than me.
During the satay-Mahathir days, we had the passionate 'WAWASAN 2020'. I still remember seeing those colourful posters, advertisements as well as partriotic songs during my primary school days. The then government portraited 'WAWASAN 2020' so real that I believe that it will be the reality in 20 years time. I'm once fascinated by the high-speed bullet train which I saw in 1 of the colourful posters. Back then, I always thought, what so great about US and those developed western countries? We will be at the same level too, in 20 years time, of course. Well, I was too young and too naive that time to believe something like that. Ehem, it's normal I think. Just like all of us once believe that 'Superman', 'Batman' and 'Spiderman' really exist in this world. Don't deny, everyone has its younger days.
So, it's 2010 now. Soon it'll be 2020. When China has introduced its 341km/h train, Malaysia has just imported 4 second-hand diesel train of speed 80km/h for RM30mil. And soon, I will have to painfully accept the fact that Malaysia Bullet Train remans as a fantasy. Yes, just like the facet that Superman actually doesn't exist.
Then, we had blah-la-la Pak Lah trying his hardest in the effort of OPPOSING CORRUPTION, soon after he had won the 11th General Election. To solve a problem, we usually set up a committee. So Anti-Corruption Agency a.k.a SPRM is set up. But it proved that to cut off the root of all evil in the government required more determination and preserverance than what Pak Lah equiped of. Look at the result. Malaysia's corruption ranking had fallen to 56, from 47 last year. We were ranked 23 in 1995 and today, we fell to the lowest ranking. We are moving backwards with SPRM. How could the ranking fall even after they have 'done so many' and put in so much of manpower and resources?
It appears to be the lack of political commitments. More and more cases are lieft unsettled while those cases brought to court ended up in loss. Where are the big fish that SPRM claimed? Please pardon my ignorance as I did not see any significant effort in countering corrouption.
Even if there is, it would probably be SENSITIVE and SECRETIVE, just like the landslide case.
What about V.K.Lingam's case? What about PKFZ scandal? And most importantly, what about mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock? I use the word 'mysterious' and you know why. I do not want to end up like Mr. Lim Guan Eng. It has come to a point that we could not voice out our concern, we are banned from speculation, even if the truth is so obvious.
And all of us know, these cases will soon be entering the cooling period. And soon they will fade off because there are too many other issues arise that require our attention. GST, sugar subsidy, stolen engin, etc and etc. The government view all Malaysian as good citizen because of the 'nilai-nilai murni' or cultures such as forgetful and forgiveful. Every year, we will tell each other 'maaf zahir batin', and then every 5 years, we will forget all the bad that the government have done and voted them again.
These are the core values of a good citizen in Malaysia. And we are being treated like a small kid.
"Weep no more, boy, here is your little candy," said the Government.
Now, 2010. c4-maN-AJIB's Greatest Hits, "1MALAYSIA".
I wonder, what does 1Malaysia mean? I always thought it means '1Malaysia for all Malaysian'. But my rational again reminds me to grow up and don't believe in 'Spiderman' anymore. Marvel's heroes only exist in fantasy world.
Because, if 'great minds think alike', lol, then this tagline/slogan is super duper behind time again, for like 45 years.
In 1964, the then Secretary-General of PAP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew once introduced 'Malaysian Malaysia'. This has stirred up a huge and violent consequence and resulted in the permanent separation of Republic of Singapore from Federation of Malaysia. I bet the 'Singaporean Singapore' now will be greatly relieved that they are OUT from the Bermuda Triangle that all Malaysian are going around now.
Ok, I am a coward and to prevent myself being ISAed or burnt for 'playing with fire' like what Mr. Lim Kit Siang had done in 1999, I will make the following statement: Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's 'Malaysian Malaysia' is different from Mr. Najib's '1Malaysia' because Mr. Lee opposed Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia. Err, somemore, I myself personally super support Article 153 lo.
Alright, abit out of topic. What I am trying to say is '1Malaysia' is just another propaganda, tagline, slogan and 'candy' for them to gain back their votes in the coming 13th General Election. And this propaganda isn't cheap as professional image designers are hired to make this a successful brainwash, using taxpayers' money of course.
Sorry people, for I know it's cruel to wake you all up from this beautiful sweet dream, but this is life and we do not live in the fantasy world like what the government trying to create. I feel super sad also when I first realised that my bullet-train is in vain. All the Christian out there, I also feel your pain when you wake up from your peaceful dream to learn that your churchs were burnt down.
To face the reality is super hard I know. Just like it took me very very long like 10 hours to realise that I am actually short, ugly and could not get a girl friend like Megan Fox.
The same goes to all the Malaysian. Malaysia is turning 53 years old this year, and we are all super grown up liao. Don't you think it is high time that we wake up to face the fact that 'Superman', 'Batman', and 'Spiderman' and all other upcoming Marvel's heroes only live in fantasy world while we are living in reality?
It took us super super long like 52 years to go through the 1969 Riots, 1971 New Economic Policy(NEP), Keris High-Five, Little Indian Temple, Chinese Squatters and the most recent Flaming Church. Sorry to say this, we actually know very well that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between us:
You can spit out all kind of racial remarks and make all kind of disgusting gestures and only be suspended for a mere 1 year; but a gentle voice of mine or a Negarakuku song of mine would make me ended up in deep shit, jailed and even have to escape to other country.
You can have your demonstration openly and approved by the PM and shouted out loud loud for mere matters like translation of the name of GOD/Tuhan/etc, but I could not have my peaceful and romantic candle-light gathering for freedom of speech.
Therefore, YOU and ME know freaking well that YOU are DIFFERENT from ME. After numerous incidents, we already accepted the cruel fact that fair rights could not be given to all of us. So, please do not spent more money and effort on these futile slogans or taglines, just like those incomplete government project and white elephants. The word is 'ACTION speaks louder than all kind of SLOGANS'.
I would be happier and more grateful that you use all those money spent on these futile projects to subsidise the sugar of my teh tarik at the mamak stall or the water that my 'SLK'(Small Little Kancil) drink at the petrol station.
No matter how loud you shouted the slogan/tagline, no matter how sweet the little temporary 'candy' you give, we all are mature enough to realise the ugly truth behind all these as we are no longer small kids that believe in Superman anymore.
The TRUTH is, I always thought that I am a bloody racist, but, there are always people out there who are very much worse and more low life than me.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Letter To Jasper
Dear Jasper,
Firstly, Welcome To This World!
I am not sure whether you will be chinese or english educated, so I guess I would just use the international language since you are gonna live in Singapore at least for quite sometime and so it is impossible for you to dislike english, like me.
Ok, probably now I dont hate English, because now most of the time I had no choice but to use it. But last time when I was young, I really hate English. I always questioned why I had to learn 3 languages when people all around me just used 1 language plus a dialect. Because I am chinese-educated, i seldom got the chance to use english, and so I disliked it because by studying 1 more language means I got 1 less slot for play time. Therefore, my English sucks, and so next time when you grow up, I suggest you to use chinese when talking to me for better communication.
You would probably ask me, why you still learn it when you hate it? My answer would be, this is not like a survey questionaire where you can put a tick beside your favoured language. No box, all are under *required field. In other words, you got no freedom. But you are lucky because the place that you are living in, your *required field is only 2 languages. I dont think you would want to choose BM which is so damm useless in the country that you are staying in. Even for me, I regret for putting so much effort in BM when I was younger because it got no other use now unless for cursing.
No matter what, my advice to you is have a good command of English, because with it, you are 1 class higher. I dunno why, but the whole world think like this. And please do not hate chinese like some singaporean. Not because you will have a hard time talking to me, it is because no matter what, you are still a chinese. Your skin colour cant change to 'angmor' white. The person that I know of changing his skin colour is no longer living in this world but he is very influential and so you will sure find out who is him. 1 clue for you, he can be linked to Mr. Armstrong.
And if you can, please go and learn more languages. Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Italian...etc. You may say it's useless to learn so many languages but trust me, they will come in handy as you would never know who you gonna curse or court. Ok, maybe you can dont learn Italiano because Italian used hand signals most of the time. Not because they cant speak, I think because of their culture. You cant expect the GodFather to talk so much during gunfight rite?
But you do not need to worry about languages for now as you only can communicate using 1 language, which is to CRY. You cried to annouce that you have arrived to this world; you cried to tell your parents that you are hungry; you cried when you sense that there is danger in order for the adult to put you to safety.
I suddenly realised, there is no clue to show that life can be joyful. Laughter is useless after all. Human are easily depressed. 10 good things that happen in the day couldn't compensate a bad news received at night before you sleep. Even when 10 friends praised you, you would still feel sad after a stranger scolded you as stupid pig. Our happiness is not long-lasting, nor it is firm and solid. But, sad and misery were crucial for our living. Imagine if our ancestors living inside the cave are always so happy and joyful that they neglect the danger of the predators camping outside the cave, then I guess they could not live long gua. Therefore, joy and happinesses are nothing but just a trick that we played on ourselves. Well, if you want to argue about this, do it after you have seen any new born babies that come to this world along with laughter.
Jasper, as you grow up, you will find out that we like to create something that we hate it.
Example, 'Monday'. Monday is the indication of the end of vacation, the start of work and study.
We created Monday ourselves, and then we hate it. But if you ask me, since we hate it so much, why dont we let it come only once a month?
Well, Jasper, I think I could not answer this question.
We also created this thing called 'COMPETITION', which will make us unhappy. I know, there is a need for competition. Just like the gazelle being eaten up by the leopard because it runs slower, the shorter plant could not enough sunlight compared to the taller plant, etc. But these are just the basic law of the nature. It is not the same as human's competition. We are so insane that we will go to the extent of calculating who runs faster than who by 0.01 second and who scores higher than who by 0.1 mark. Then, different movies shown in the cinema are competing among themselves; different songs standing on the billboard are also competing among themselves; those rich people are also competing to get to the top position of a chart created by some stupid magazines; those pretty girls are also competing among themselves to be the Miss World or Miss Universe, like she is going to represent us to meet up with the aliens from outerspace.
This is like, Strawberry and Rose, which are more red? Cloud and Moon, which are fairer? Which idiot would be interested in these thing?
But ironically, a lot of people take these competitions seriously. And I am one of them. No question about it.
You will be the same too, Jasper.
As you get older, you will involuntarily enter into different types of competitions. And soon you will become competitive. And soon you will end up judging people by using 'success' and 'failure' as the only gauge.
Well, there is nothing wrong about it. But when you start to feel that this 'success' and 'failure' thingie make you feel sad and depressed, make you doubt about your existence in this world, or even make other people around you to feel uncomfortable; I guess that should serve as a warning alarm to you.
Then, when you get even older, you will realise, all those tears, sweats and efforts that you put in just to obtain the top 3 position in class or to emerge as champion in some nonsense competitions are all so laughable. LOL.
And then when you get old enough, some people who have nothing else better to do will start to ask you some stupid questions. An example of these question is, "What would you choose for, a good-looking appearance(handsome), or a good-functioning brain(smart)?"
If you ask for my answer, it would be, "Good-looking."
It is not because I looked ugly now. It is because, you will know whether you are good-looking or not as soon as you look into the mirror. But you probably will not know that you got a stupid brain until the rest of your life.
If really there were someone asking you this question, and you feel like entertaining them, I don't mind that you copy my answer since you are my nephew.
So, this is a basic and simple introduction of the world that you gonna live in for quite a long time. Well, things that I mentioned are mostly my interpretation after arriving here earlier than you for 20+ years. If it doesn't fit for your generation, it is my bad. Everything will change, isn't it?
Therefore, my words might not be true after all. Haha. Well, what do you expect? I am just 21 years older than you, not like I am some willy old wise man that gone through all the experience in life....
So, you will have my blessings upon your arrival to this world. Remember, cry and laugh when you feel you need to, even when you think you have to cry and laugh at the same time. It is not that you are insane, it is just some precious moment of your life experience in this world.
That's all for now. Take good care. Ok, I think my bro and sis-in-law will take good care of you. Till then, bye!
Yours sincerely,
Uncle Soon.
Firstly, Welcome To This World!
I am not sure whether you will be chinese or english educated, so I guess I would just use the international language since you are gonna live in Singapore at least for quite sometime and so it is impossible for you to dislike english, like me.
Ok, probably now I dont hate English, because now most of the time I had no choice but to use it. But last time when I was young, I really hate English. I always questioned why I had to learn 3 languages when people all around me just used 1 language plus a dialect. Because I am chinese-educated, i seldom got the chance to use english, and so I disliked it because by studying 1 more language means I got 1 less slot for play time. Therefore, my English sucks, and so next time when you grow up, I suggest you to use chinese when talking to me for better communication.
You would probably ask me, why you still learn it when you hate it? My answer would be, this is not like a survey questionaire where you can put a tick beside your favoured language. No box, all are under *required field. In other words, you got no freedom. But you are lucky because the place that you are living in, your *required field is only 2 languages. I dont think you would want to choose BM which is so damm useless in the country that you are staying in. Even for me, I regret for putting so much effort in BM when I was younger because it got no other use now unless for cursing.
No matter what, my advice to you is have a good command of English, because with it, you are 1 class higher. I dunno why, but the whole world think like this. And please do not hate chinese like some singaporean. Not because you will have a hard time talking to me, it is because no matter what, you are still a chinese. Your skin colour cant change to 'angmor' white. The person that I know of changing his skin colour is no longer living in this world but he is very influential and so you will sure find out who is him. 1 clue for you, he can be linked to Mr. Armstrong.
And if you can, please go and learn more languages. Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Italian...etc. You may say it's useless to learn so many languages but trust me, they will come in handy as you would never know who you gonna curse or court. Ok, maybe you can dont learn Italiano because Italian used hand signals most of the time. Not because they cant speak, I think because of their culture. You cant expect the GodFather to talk so much during gunfight rite?
But you do not need to worry about languages for now as you only can communicate using 1 language, which is to CRY. You cried to annouce that you have arrived to this world; you cried to tell your parents that you are hungry; you cried when you sense that there is danger in order for the adult to put you to safety.
I suddenly realised, there is no clue to show that life can be joyful. Laughter is useless after all. Human are easily depressed. 10 good things that happen in the day couldn't compensate a bad news received at night before you sleep. Even when 10 friends praised you, you would still feel sad after a stranger scolded you as stupid pig. Our happiness is not long-lasting, nor it is firm and solid. But, sad and misery were crucial for our living. Imagine if our ancestors living inside the cave are always so happy and joyful that they neglect the danger of the predators camping outside the cave, then I guess they could not live long gua. Therefore, joy and happinesses are nothing but just a trick that we played on ourselves. Well, if you want to argue about this, do it after you have seen any new born babies that come to this world along with laughter.
Jasper, as you grow up, you will find out that we like to create something that we hate it.
Example, 'Monday'. Monday is the indication of the end of vacation, the start of work and study.
We created Monday ourselves, and then we hate it. But if you ask me, since we hate it so much, why dont we let it come only once a month?
Well, Jasper, I think I could not answer this question.
We also created this thing called 'COMPETITION', which will make us unhappy. I know, there is a need for competition. Just like the gazelle being eaten up by the leopard because it runs slower, the shorter plant could not enough sunlight compared to the taller plant, etc. But these are just the basic law of the nature. It is not the same as human's competition. We are so insane that we will go to the extent of calculating who runs faster than who by 0.01 second and who scores higher than who by 0.1 mark. Then, different movies shown in the cinema are competing among themselves; different songs standing on the billboard are also competing among themselves; those rich people are also competing to get to the top position of a chart created by some stupid magazines; those pretty girls are also competing among themselves to be the Miss World or Miss Universe, like she is going to represent us to meet up with the aliens from outerspace.
This is like, Strawberry and Rose, which are more red? Cloud and Moon, which are fairer? Which idiot would be interested in these thing?
But ironically, a lot of people take these competitions seriously. And I am one of them. No question about it.
You will be the same too, Jasper.
As you get older, you will involuntarily enter into different types of competitions. And soon you will become competitive. And soon you will end up judging people by using 'success' and 'failure' as the only gauge.
Well, there is nothing wrong about it. But when you start to feel that this 'success' and 'failure' thingie make you feel sad and depressed, make you doubt about your existence in this world, or even make other people around you to feel uncomfortable; I guess that should serve as a warning alarm to you.
Then, when you get even older, you will realise, all those tears, sweats and efforts that you put in just to obtain the top 3 position in class or to emerge as champion in some nonsense competitions are all so laughable. LOL.
And then when you get old enough, some people who have nothing else better to do will start to ask you some stupid questions. An example of these question is, "What would you choose for, a good-looking appearance(handsome), or a good-functioning brain(smart)?"
If you ask for my answer, it would be, "Good-looking."
It is not because I looked ugly now. It is because, you will know whether you are good-looking or not as soon as you look into the mirror. But you probably will not know that you got a stupid brain until the rest of your life.
If really there were someone asking you this question, and you feel like entertaining them, I don't mind that you copy my answer since you are my nephew.
So, this is a basic and simple introduction of the world that you gonna live in for quite a long time. Well, things that I mentioned are mostly my interpretation after arriving here earlier than you for 20+ years. If it doesn't fit for your generation, it is my bad. Everything will change, isn't it?
Therefore, my words might not be true after all. Haha. Well, what do you expect? I am just 21 years older than you, not like I am some willy old wise man that gone through all the experience in life....
So, you will have my blessings upon your arrival to this world. Remember, cry and laugh when you feel you need to, even when you think you have to cry and laugh at the same time. It is not that you are insane, it is just some precious moment of your life experience in this world.
That's all for now. Take good care. Ok, I think my bro and sis-in-law will take good care of you. Till then, bye!
Yours sincerely,
Uncle Soon.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
August's Blue
I nearly forgot that I had a blog.
I am having a nearly 2-month holiday now, starting from 11 June to 17 August. That's when my result come out and I probably have to go for resit classes.
Thus, I guess I still dun need to go work at the moment.
This is the 1st time I am having such a long vacation, since my PMR days. Yeah, that's right. My longest holiday was only 1 month plus, which is after my O-Levels.
So the feeling is nice now, when you are typing more than you are writing.
If you ask me anything happen during my holiday, you should know there isn't any. Because I am a boring person. No, I think I am just lazy to go around. Not passionate is the word.
Went for a few job interviews. Not Big 5 though, just some small company that I dun even remember their names. No reply. Guess they know I am not gonna stay long gua. If not then I should be too suck.
Therefore, all the while, I am staying in my small room, online, youtube, and game. And should be doing my OBU. Haha. Not yet started of course.
Nothing much happen to me, but i guess a lot happen to Malaysia. You know, it's like watching a compilation of different movie. Got Infernal Affairs (无间道), House of Flying Dagger(十面埋伏), and all others you can think of.
Got Infection case, got Kena Pushed Down Case (some bigshot insisted it's a jump down case), got forever anyhow talk cock case (refering to those KOSMO ppl, and the famous dentist and the ex-PM), got gangsterism polictic case etc etc. No wonder politician is categorised as one of the high risk occupation. But High Risk, High Return. Case Reference-(Klang Palace and Dentist's Palace).
After 100 days, Najib started to distribute his candy. But all the 11 flavour also doesn't suit me at all. So I still din enjoy the benefit.
If it's candy you can dun take it if you dun like. But rattan(rotan) you sure must kena, eventhough you dun like. Public transport fee increased again. Taxi=36%, Bus Sekolah=30%, Long Journey Bus=31%. Walau wei! Public transport nowadays also not a very cheap alternative oredi. I just wonder whether their service quality will increase or not.
Teoh Beng Hock had left. It's sad to say this, but I guess this case again will go not far. The best outcome you can get is another person kena pushed out to be responsible for that. That is, if there is anyone willing to do it, like last time C4 case. 2 weeks gone. By looking at the progress, we still have to wait very long to learn the truth, and maybe that's the truth that's being made up.
Yasmin Ahmad, a true Malaysian had left too. I am ignorant, coz now only i noe those Petronas advertisements and other movies like sepet are her art piece. I love Tan Hong Ming and Umi Qazrina. That's the Malaysia that all of us long for. Her advertisement speaks louder that any slogan, any candy. She is more suitable than anyone else to speak about ONE MALAYSIA.
Politic aside.
This is the recent Drama Series I am watching.
K.O. 3anGuo--终极三国
This is the description: After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn’t find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it’s a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn’t mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school’s death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
Basically, it's modern world's Romance of 3 Kingdom. The funny and stupid version. LOL.

Paladin 3--仙剑奇侠传3

This drama series is based on a famous Chinese RPG game. If you have watched the 1st one, then you should continue to watch this. Vannak, if you read this, you should really watch this.
No matter how many years had passed, this game will always be remembered. All the characters will also live in my heart. Maybe that's why I don't like the ending of this drama.
And it's bothering me. It makes me feel, a little bit blue. I guess it's gonna carrying on for some time, at least for this month.
Below shots are from the last episod.
I am having a nearly 2-month holiday now, starting from 11 June to 17 August. That's when my result come out and I probably have to go for resit classes.
Thus, I guess I still dun need to go work at the moment.
This is the 1st time I am having such a long vacation, since my PMR days. Yeah, that's right. My longest holiday was only 1 month plus, which is after my O-Levels.
So the feeling is nice now, when you are typing more than you are writing.
If you ask me anything happen during my holiday, you should know there isn't any. Because I am a boring person. No, I think I am just lazy to go around. Not passionate is the word.
Went for a few job interviews. Not Big 5 though, just some small company that I dun even remember their names. No reply. Guess they know I am not gonna stay long gua. If not then I should be too suck.
Therefore, all the while, I am staying in my small room, online, youtube, and game. And should be doing my OBU. Haha. Not yet started of course.
Nothing much happen to me, but i guess a lot happen to Malaysia. You know, it's like watching a compilation of different movie. Got Infernal Affairs (无间道), House of Flying Dagger(十面埋伏), and all others you can think of.
Got Infection case, got Kena Pushed Down Case (some bigshot insisted it's a jump down case), got forever anyhow talk cock case (refering to those KOSMO ppl, and the famous dentist and the ex-PM), got gangsterism polictic case etc etc. No wonder politician is categorised as one of the high risk occupation. But High Risk, High Return. Case Reference-(Klang Palace and Dentist's Palace).
After 100 days, Najib started to distribute his candy. But all the 11 flavour also doesn't suit me at all. So I still din enjoy the benefit.
If it's candy you can dun take it if you dun like. But rattan(rotan) you sure must kena, eventhough you dun like. Public transport fee increased again. Taxi=36%, Bus Sekolah=30%, Long Journey Bus=31%. Walau wei! Public transport nowadays also not a very cheap alternative oredi. I just wonder whether their service quality will increase or not.
Teoh Beng Hock had left. It's sad to say this, but I guess this case again will go not far. The best outcome you can get is another person kena pushed out to be responsible for that. That is, if there is anyone willing to do it, like last time C4 case. 2 weeks gone. By looking at the progress, we still have to wait very long to learn the truth, and maybe that's the truth that's being made up.
Yasmin Ahmad, a true Malaysian had left too. I am ignorant, coz now only i noe those Petronas advertisements and other movies like sepet are her art piece. I love Tan Hong Ming and Umi Qazrina. That's the Malaysia that all of us long for. Her advertisement speaks louder that any slogan, any candy. She is more suitable than anyone else to speak about ONE MALAYSIA.
Politic aside.
This is the recent Drama Series I am watching.
K.O. 3anGuo--终极三国
This is the description: After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn’t find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it’s a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn’t mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school’s death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
Basically, it's modern world's Romance of 3 Kingdom. The funny and stupid version. LOL.

Paladin 3--仙剑奇侠传3

This drama series is based on a famous Chinese RPG game. If you have watched the 1st one, then you should continue to watch this. Vannak, if you read this, you should really watch this.
No matter how many years had passed, this game will always be remembered. All the characters will also live in my heart. Maybe that's why I don't like the ending of this drama.
And it's bothering me. It makes me feel, a little bit blue. I guess it's gonna carrying on for some time, at least for this month.
Below shots are from the last episod.
Credit to 情剑山河 http://blog.sina.com.cn/qjshanhe.
p/s: You are right, that's my voice. Ask me if you insist in wanting the orginal voice version. Easier if you go to the website above. Don't sue me for polluting your ears. Thank you very much.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
我发觉我把所有事情都想得太理所当然了,就好像现在mamak的roti telur并不是理所当然的像以前有大葱的,加大葱的附加费是20sen。
我看着身边的人都在忙着facebook,friendster,msn 等等的网络通讯,爱情啊,友情啊什么的都靠这些虚拟的网络维持着。Comment来Comment回,基本上就只是几秒的时间,前提是如果大家都在网上的话。
V刚刚凌晨才来找我哭诉了,乱七八糟的两三个小时,才让她的男友给带走。我那狗窝还真的是避难所啊,男啊女啊都有。J那条粉肠前几天来说与他的雌分了,硬是跟我劈了两打啤酒,丫的,害我想消一消我的啤酒肚都不行。总之有欢喜,有悲伤,有忧愁,有悲伤,甚至暧昧的,到单恋的到有。 他们的人生真是多姿多彩到台湾的偶像剧都可以来跟我取材了。
1640,不知道magnum4D 会开这个号码吗?呵呵。
我发觉我把所有事情都想得太理所当然了,就好像现在mamak的roti telur并不是理所当然的像以前有大葱的,加大葱的附加费是20sen。
我看着身边的人都在忙着facebook,friendster,msn 等等的网络通讯,爱情啊,友情啊什么的都靠这些虚拟的网络维持着。Comment来Comment回,基本上就只是几秒的时间,前提是如果大家都在网上的话。
V刚刚凌晨才来找我哭诉了,乱七八糟的两三个小时,才让她的男友给带走。我那狗窝还真的是避难所啊,男啊女啊都有。J那条粉肠前几天来说与他的雌分了,硬是跟我劈了两打啤酒,丫的,害我想消一消我的啤酒肚都不行。总之有欢喜,有悲伤,有忧愁,有悲伤,甚至暧昧的,到单恋的到有。 他们的人生真是多姿多彩到台湾的偶像剧都可以来跟我取材了。
1640,不知道magnum4D 会开这个号码吗?呵呵。
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